ya good idea dark, make then work for it to block it, dont let them block it easy
at our school (indiana) they started finding out that people would go to myspace (what a joke) and like every kid in school (2000) used proxy7 so they blocked it, and found out everyone who used it by tracking every comp. i a proxy site one time(not proxy7) at the begingging of the year( of course not to see myspace) since no one knew about it then i didnt get caught, but i got called down but they messed up and called the wrong person down
you got all your internet privilges taken away if you got caught, you could log onto your computer, but trying to open IE, you coudnt get nothing
the funny thing was all the teachers would tell the students, ok guys we all know you guys are going to these sites so your gonna get in trouble, then after kids got in trouble, the teachers had no idea what a "proxy" was so it was funny to hear them try to talk about something they had no idea about (kinda like when they "try" to teach) they would say it all wrong, they would be like alright dont go to proxy, proxys bad
haha sfuff like that
good luck with what ya do