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Everything posted by brock01

  1. after i used it to partiton a hd, can i uninstall it now? prolly a noob question but kinda a trick question for me
  2. omg that is so tight !!! seriously
  3. what torrent site?
  4. and have a nice speed test with a proxy
  5. very good question asus
  6. yes i have seen quite a few posts like that i dont know if he knows this is a friendly site? and were here to help.........
  7. hmmm or i might just be wrong im not always right but i try, it was from the top of my head
  8. just pro for xp i think
  9. you got the power attached to it ? lol
  10. http://utorrent.com/index.php#notice Recently,
  11. dd-wrt is tight, thanks to swimmer for telling me to get it, can do so many things, its free, and even with bittorent 24/7 it hasnt crashed like the normal wrt54g used to
  12. yep, if you get a cheap router which is all you need and ethernet cords im saying less than 50 bucks prolly
  13. lol, Cable Modems Signal what are they as rev asked
  14. anytime, i just happend to remember that on the top of my head
  15. bootvis
  16. na, you can get by the exe ones, when i did it, i just clicked the link twice, and the real deal would come up, not the exe, got around all of it by experimenting, and it worked out real nice
  17. ya good idea dark, make then work for it to block it, dont let them block it easy at our school (indiana) they started finding out that people would go to myspace (what a joke) and like every kid in school (2000) used proxy7 so they blocked it, and found out everyone who used it by tracking every comp. i a proxy site one time(not proxy7) at the begingging of the year( of course not to see myspace) since no one knew about it then i didnt get caught, but i got called down but they messed up and called the wrong person down you got all your internet privilges taken away if you got caught, you could log onto your computer, but trying to open IE, you coudnt get nothing the funny thing was all the teachers would tell the students, ok guys we all know you guys are going to these sites so your gonna get in trouble, then after kids got in trouble, the teachers had no idea what a "proxy" was so it was funny to hear them try to talk about something they had no idea about (kinda like when they "try" to teach) they would say it all wrong, they would be like alright dont go to proxy, proxys bad haha sfuff like that good luck with what ya do
  18. haha i thought you would come back with some talk but you didnt so your cool
  19. kamil234 you look soft
  20. thats awesome
  21. style xp ftw awsome stuff there, been using it for 2yr + i think same theme the whole time
  22. proxify is not saying that to many people at your school are using it. they want you to pay for it so you can go to everysite proxyed good site http://www.thefreecountry.com/security/anonymous.shtml and this is a specific one that works http://www.shysurfer.com/
  23. do you have bad extensions that you put on it? or a lot of them?
  24. blunted ftw good try disturbed, looks like its legit
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