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Everything posted by brock01

  1. ah sorry man, that sucks
  2. thank you guys for the info, helps alot best way to share 2 desktops just plug ethernet into both conecting them? as im using wireless on both at the same time but both comps are close together
  3. when you transfer files within your network, how fast does it go, whats it based on and if you go from ethernet to ethernet is it faster than wireless when transfering Thanks in advance. might sound stupid but im just wondering.
  4. ya or you can also try futuremark get the new one and good luck getting to high, 06 is a killer
  5. where do you live at? what state
  6. very nice man, grats
  7. have you tweaked your connection, or is your comps deafault
  8. you reset your modem? you check for spyware? you see if your wireless is secure( someone leeching your speed), have you contacted rr? have you looked on the network page to see if anything is going on in your area? was that test from wireless or wired
  9. have you changed anything, have you checked for spyware/viruses recently, have you powered cyceled modem/router lately?
  10. spybot used to be the best i think, microsoft anti spyware is free to, for now at least or the windows defender deal and what not
  11. im still using microsoft anti spy beta 2 deal, and its good not changing yet
  12. yep its the boss alright
  13. brock01


    alright so i took all those F06 files with alot of of other fuolder just like that diff numbers and stuff, resotred the ipod,then put those folders back where they were, and still nothing anyknow what i should do next?
  14. brock01


    thats what im doing right now swimmer, taking 39gbs from usb 2.0 taking 2hrs it says, hopefully the time is right, and i pray that when i put em back it works will all the tags and movies work if anyone knows more about this i would apprecaite if you share the light you have, thanks all
  15. i just watched most of it, all basically of it sides the commercials of course
  16. sorry just talked to some indian, which means he knows nothing and cant talk english = he doesnt know of any upgrade except one a month ago. LoL what one was that sorry nothing i got was news. or at least relevant or amercain
  17. good posts tomokatsu , welcome to the site im calling brighthouse right to see whats up Indiana
  18. as i live in indiana, i hope this is true, that would make me very happy as with the slow uploads, 384kbps are very SLOW
  19. umm why dont you just answer where you live..?
  20. this is great news for me and alot of others, im dying for higher upload speed, dl is not bad now but ill take the dl of course, can anyone prove this is true, source if it is ill live till it comes, hopefully soon
  21. alright my friend has aol, and he dosent like the software ,anyway he can use his connection to allow him to still get on the internet.thanks in advance there are guides out there but those are for dsl he has cable, and my friend is wireless.
  22. alright, now this anyway to use my other router on the computer that is not connected to pick up my signal, so it would be wireless
  23. will that work so, the wirelesss is connected wirelessly, then take a ethernet cord from the wireless, to the computer not connected will this work?
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