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Everything posted by brock01

  1. you guys have to be kidding, not even that grose, i thought it would be bad but that was cake man
  2. exactly, it was cached
  3. dont matter, still cached
  4. umm look at it, then look at your dl...........
  5. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 87048 Kbps about 87 Mbps (tested with 12159 kB) Upload Speed is:: 10626 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Nov 24 20:14:03 UTC 2005 Bottom Line:: 1554X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 0.1 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 42362.44 % faster than the average for host (btcentralplus.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KPTWCMDLG ANYONE HAD ANY BETTER that is cached
  6. cached or not?
  7. is there any way to make firefox like its open but you cant see it, so the process is running, to save time by not having to reopen it every time i downloaded a firefox somethign and it worked but i didnt like how it looked
  8. lol nice tweak it
  9. ya man... its not just my comp it messes up the whole network, i know its the router.
  10. i said i had wrt54g not s, when you use torrents or anything and have it open and try to download something like 2GB or more or less, its not all about size eitehr- it will just stop and nothing works, and you ahve to unplug the power cord to get it working
  11. the one like everyone else in the world with wrt54g
  12. thank you for the info, i was thinking it was about time for a update on that, i wish it would fix the download problem......... wait i think i already have had this one, are you sure it is new
  13. kbs is different than KB
  14. brock01


    wonder how the connection is down there
  15. its great, i acutally helped someone on this site
  16. https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=590
  17. what router and firmware do you ahve installed
  18. myweb, by Scientific-Atlanta, cant spell that city
  19. i read this real closely, i got the same comp, just bought another hd, thats 3 120's now, how tough, i know you guys have more, i know i know
  20. i never knew about this modem but they said it was new, and improved, and they were right, i get much better speeds, makes my week
  21. we had a bad storm where i live, which is in indiana, and lost hte cable modem,router, and network card, so brighthouse comes out 3 days later and replaces the motorolla sb5100 with a myweb i think, from scientific alanta, didnt spell that right, and man is this modem so much faster and all around better, gotta love free upgrades
  22. that game is so tight
  23. you can do that, go to your router page and change it, i think they call it static dns, good luck
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