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Everything posted by localpeon

  1. Welcome aboard, glad to have you with us!!!!!!!!!
  2. America the Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ZengXiong, Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. local.peon
  4. localpeon


    Glad to have you with us. You can always get help from this crew.
  5. WELCOME! to the best site and group.
  6. localpeon

    Hi to all

    Welcome to the group!
  7. http:// WELCOME!!!!!!!
  8. Hey DJ, Welcome to our little group. Have fun!! local.peon
  9. Ours is the best and most accurate!!
  10. localpeon


    Glad to have you with us. Have a silly and wonderful adventure. local.peon
  11. Welcome boomerang, Get your questions answered here. Have a great time doing it. local.peon
  12. localpeon


    Welcome Angle 310, You will enjoy this group. Nothing is sacred. local.peon
  13. Welcome nicky 952. Enjoy this group, great bunch of people!! local.peon
  14. Glad to have you with us. Enjoy!!!!!!!
  15. Welcome to the group. Have fun and ask for help when you need it.
  16. How many went to a tea party on April 15? Was yours like ours, NOT political. Just citizens speaking up about whatever was upsetting them about the taxes, the unchecked spending, lack of good representation, etc. If you did not here are some websites you might want to peruse http://taxdayteaparty.com/rsvp/ http://www.marchforliberty.org./ http://www.thenational912project.org/ http://THE912PROJECT.COM/ http://intensedebate.com/ http://www.tcunation.com/group/msmboycottalliance
  17. All of our group should start writing emails and or letters to all friends and acquaintances anywhere in the US. Encourage them to vote against all incumbents whether they are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian,or independent. This should be done in all elections, local school boards, towns, counties, state and federal. This simple act if spread across the USA will make term limitations unnecessary. In the future we, the voters, will not allow anyone to serve more than one term. We will end the job of politician and create public representatives again.
  18. I am on wild blue and went through the same problems for the silver package (with much lower reads than you are getting) for over a year. I complained constantly, they came out and replaced modem, wiring, antenna etc three different times. To no avail. They finally gave me a free month at the next level and I have been getting nearly constant download speeds of over 1MB, ups are in the mid to high one hundreds. They say the silver package has most of the customers, hence bandwidth is overused and speeds go down, on next level not as much competition for bandwidth. Who knows this may be there standard pitch, but I got tired of the fight and took the middle package. I am happy now. Good luck. local.peon
  19. Welcome to the group. Join in and have fun. Great bunch here.
  20. around $120 to 140 but that includes all channels on TV as well as high speed internet. My mother doesn't pay anything, she is riding a free horse.
  21. I am positive, ,I was out there in Jan,2009 and She and my mother both have laptops, one is hardwired to local cable and the other is a wireless connection. i checked speeds on them regularly while I was there and that was the range for five days. Both cable and wireless.
  22. Try sending your message again, since you did not get any help. I wish I could help but alas No. Any way Welcome to the group and stick with us, you will normally get help fairly quick.
  23. I am on wildblue and I just went from their basic package at 49.95 ( had real difficulty with the advertised speeds of 500k down and 128 up) to their next level for a month and I have been getting consistent speeds of 1 to 1.2M down and 150 to 160 up. So I went ahead and switched. I am in a valley in Texas and nearest towns are 10 miles and 18 miles and no wireless or landlines to us. I still can't believe my sister gets 54 to 58M wireless in Newport Beach,CA .
  24. to the crazy house!!!!!!!!!!!! local.peon
  25. Welcome to the group, i am sure you will enjoy. local.peon
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