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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. Windows XP Emachines W3052 Tommie suggested it. so I suppose remove?? Like now..my connection is getting interrupted again ..just like before. I may not be online after all. DAMMIT!
  2. I was told that I may try and either open up a restore or close to thoroughly clean it good. don't know which it was now. But does anyone know how to do that?? . I had to do some restore points on here to be able to surf the web. I just now got back online.
  3. I am back online !! For a day or so , I have been miserable not being able to surf. Especially in here. Tommie , I was jealous cause you could peek in and I was in gmail (only place I could go) and saw all my TMN reply notices PILING up. Grrrrrrr..... So I have been in tech support ALL DAY with 2 different people. I did a restore point on my own yesterday, it did no good. The last tech person today said do another restore , which Tommie suggested and I did not get around too( he also said call my ISP ) and here I am. I am just thankful that I am back and last night I was able to still chat. I would have been going buggy without that and emails . Its still icy and trees down all around us. feeling cabin fever til I surf the web. Then I am FREE!!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
  4. He is not my type in personality. Big EGO. Materialistic. I think his favorite word is "Mine!" He collects muscle cars too. GTO's. ect.
  5. He should.. it's his.
  6. My millionaire brother in law has all the cool old games and consoles and has about 50 pinball machines. My kid's have a blast going to their Uncle's house when we take trips to Florida.. Hey, the man owns a hot wheels and comic store and is a stucco man by trade. Muddy, isn't that what you do?? Tommie, you look so much like my brother in law too...amazing. You could pass for bro.'s for sure. My husband was blonde and you 2 are dark . Same number of letters. Donnie, Tommie Damn,, same number in your last names too.. Dontcha just love it when the electric goes out for just a second, just long enough to shut you down?? I LOVE firefox!..It restores my previous sessions, has me automatically logged in and on this same page, ready to finish editing. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: .... Yanno, just YESTERDAY, these videos I posted were available cause I watched them after I got them loaded in here. Just to make sure. Maybe someone can help. Hate to see it not watched. Edit: power outage
  7. Yeah,my daughter got me started on Hulu. Some good movies to save to watch later.
  8. Thanks guys!
  9. I LOVE reading and have books piled up waiting. Just can't get into them yet. Bad weather doesn't make it any easier. My electric has went out several times tonight. I just started to watch movies again the other day. My kid's brighten my world. But staying connected to people online helps alot too. I know I will be fine, it's just something I am going through at the moment. And yes, I have thought of things to do to make my world easier. I have removed several trojans off my puter this past week. I do it daily now. I research things. I help my kids with homework. ect. I do sew and made toys at Christmas by hand. Yes, it will get better. I love life. I won't be down for long. Oh, and I was doing my nightly 12:30 a.m. workouts, I used to freak if I thought I'd miss it from being sick with my stomach bug that went around. But the last few nights, I let it slide. I did do some crunches today. Does that count. ??
  10. It was suggested that I stay busy for my "depression" .Well, I pop in most daily in here, but for the last 2 days I have been in here almost all day or afternoon. I feel like I am employed here , I have spent so many hours online. Anyways, I agree it helps with my stress and it's soothing to me and I am coming through this quite nicely along with my online friends that email me, some of which originated from here. Thanks so much ! You know who you are too. Reading some of the posts on here makes me see I have hope for myself. Some of you are in need of some real psychiatric assistance! Seriously, though, I laugh alot in here and have fun watching some of you make idiots of yourselves. Yes, you know who you are. The TMN community ROCKS! Thanks!
  11. I enjoy the ease of having it all at my fingertips at once. Maybe more personalized pages. We need more wallpaper choices, our choice of interactions, maybe smileys that talk, moving wallpaper. I like to have a clock/date time on board. Members list online that show up better. bigger too. The current pages are bland.Yes, I have changed themes alot. Most do not highlight my messages and replies to posts at the top. Doesn't work. It needs to pop! I love action... movement. We are a great bunch here at TMN and I just think it needs to be kicked up a notch. TMN is hot, let's ignite her!! We need new members to stand out .I noticed I usually miss them or forget to say HI on the forums. Easier to navigate reference library, sorted by subject. Or by alphabet.I don't want to look through hundreds of pages to find one thing. I want to hang out and do fun stuff in here while I wait for replies to posts. Some others have said it, but I will 2nd it, we need games here. I am sure I will think of more,that's just off the top of my head.
  12. Where is preferences menu?. I know I have seen it before.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JPaVZ8jUj0&feature=related Computer Timeline History of Laptops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_0e1MMpng0&feature=related Evolution of Laptops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xli7hjkmWoA&feature=related
  14. Rise of the video game part one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ras4E4N1S5E Part two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_nNxAR8xAU Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40LXudWLCbk Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL6V4qGVfiM Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgK0rwdRQBg
  15. Stream>??? techical chinese. What?? so how do I watch if I cannot download??. LOL on the infection. I just pulled 3 more out of my puter with a scan about 30 minutes ago.
  16. JH2688 ..Is it safe to download movies from divxmovies4u?? I am on the site now. It says to download to watch. I just removed a ton on trojans off my puter and am trying to keep it safe as possible.
  17. AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  18. I almost died in a fire once. My husband did not lock me in our camper that night. We were in a bad part of town and he went out partying with a long lost buddy. I had a space heater in the winter in there. My husband has spliced the cord. We were at a friends , hooked up to electric in their front yard. We were basically homeless. We had just got together. Some shop rags were too close he said. BULL. The burn marks originated under my bunk where the cord was spliced. Anyways., If he has locked me in from the outside with the padlock like he always did, I would not be here .I was stupid for letting him too. I woke up coughing and disoriented, flames shooting up around me. I got out and banged on the friends door, half naked too.(I slept that way) Talk about embarrassing!, but I was ALIVE dammit! Edit:smileys
  19. Think of how many cheated DEATH. WOW
  20. So, lock up the neighborhood then?? Tom cats on the prowl..
  21. I have been good online, have you??
  22. Yes, and it matches your sig with the sword...butcher's blade, whatever it is... guillotine..shredder..
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