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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. Bacardi?? NASTY stuff. I hate rum. Take a bottle of wine any day. In fact........I have some lurking leftover in my fridge...
  2. Testmydot net is alot of fun... Never boring and that's a fact. I am one of the addicted one's in here.
  3. This site has the most movies . It may help with the hard to find ones..They have lots! We should start a movie thread or something. movie suggestions or discussions. http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/default.asp?
  4. Somehow I figured that ... I have always loved Mustangs too..... gonna have one someday .
  5. Tear up the road..... Here ya go Tommie. Did you ever see Gone in 60 seconds?? the movie. the first clip is of Eleanor , the Mustang like the one from the movie. The second is the trailer.
  6. We NEVER stay on topic here. We like to crawl around under each other's skin. And that is why it is so fun.
  7. Yanno, I played with grandaddy longlegs as a kid and wouldn't mind having a tarantula for a pet, but get the willies when a recluse comes at me. I have an abundance of them last year in my house. It's a wonder someone in my family didn't get bit and lose a leg or arm. their bite rots the skin.
  8. It's always good to have someone come to the rescue and you guys are fast.
  9. DAMN!! that took care of it alright. Thanks!! :kiss:
  10. I was trying to attach to clipboard on my download test on here. I have firefox and was told to hit a certain button selection and did it and messed my screen up instead. testmy.net has bigger words and smileys and the sigs and avatars are almost blurry. I want to fix it. I hit ctrl the plus sign then c at the same time. OOPS! got any ideas.??
  11. The horror stories I like best are the ones that leave it to the imagination. Nothing beats that! I am a fan of the older movies too. I love Hitchcock. Rear Window. You just knew he cut her up. It only showed the blade I think. Another "Window" movie , this one by stephen king. One of my favorites with Johnny Depp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5PWbTseMx0
  12. Thanks sequoia.
  13. Does anyone do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEXTEtUMImI
  14. Here ya go , Tommie
  15. Yeah, good movie. creepy .
  16. You guys are a riot! I laugh my ass off at all of you. It is better than T.V.!
  17. Somehow I knew that . That you would have it on your puter.
  18. That pic makes a nice desktop.
  19. I think us regulars on here all have a very small world. well some of the time anyways.
  20. TMN is your first love, Tommie. BTW.. If you need him in an emergency, try TMN first!!. :2funny:
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