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Everything posted by pixiepistlz

  1. Post some of those beautiful pics you took today , Tommie.
  2. Thank you generallee76 .... bout time you posted ....
  3. http://www.snapfiles.com/get/gepkeyfinder.html http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html http://pcsupport.about.com/od/tipstricks/ht/findxpkey.htm
  4. LMAO join the stoned crowd.
  5. We are all zombies here. BRAINS!
  6. Phhfffff <rasberry>
  7. Its been talked about for a number of years and they wanted the serial numbers on there before it was purchased. My landlord has a gun and pawn shop and was talking about it to my AT&T technician that came out to fix my line for my internet. It was touch and go last night online for me. Old article, but coming close I feel now. http://www.infowars.com/articles/2nd_amendment/proposed_law_require_ammo_serial_numbers.htm NRA-ILA link http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=227 Fact check link http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/are_states_going_to_require_serial_numbers.html
  8. Won't be long and the house will pass the bill, I feel for serial numbers on ammuniton and also I hear of gunpowder only lasting a year or two?
  9. Oh yeah, I have several occupations.......I wish. Who knew I was famous. http://www.shannondavidson.com/ (Fashions) http://www.whptv.com/content/bios/shannon.aspx (News anchor) http://www.shadowbrookstable.com/shannond.html (Equestrian) http://www.prizmagallery.com/shannon_davidson.htm (self taught artist.)
  10. Tommie. let me brag on you. Thanks for getting that bank to take down that tattered flag and put up a new bright strong one. That was great! ......and so patriotic too. You practice what you preach.
  11. Well........ Since I uninstalled Adobe Shockwave and reinstalled it later after thinking about what Muddy said, it hasn't popped back up.<prays> now watch , dammit.......I talk about it then it will return.
  12. I don't know if it was or not. If it doesn't interfere with what I do online, I will keep it uninstalled.
  13. Thanks for all your help guys. I found the Adobe shockwave and uninstalled it , I am waiting to see if that helps now , plus the scans as Tommie suggested. .
  14. This is what keeps popping up. It just popped up again. It wasnt in the start up menu on power up., Zalternate. http://security.symantec.com/sscv6/WelcomePage.asp
  15. I had Norton on my desktop(shortcut) last night..I was like .... "I" didn't download any Norton virus detector scans. No, it didn't get downloaded by my kids. It popped up again today while they were at school after I removed it last night as it was running a scan . I thought it was gone for good. (I used control, alt, delete for removal) NOT!........I even used v cleaner and c cleaner afterwards. Today I was poking around in Google looking at videos and accidentally clicked on a torrent website and was fixing to navigate away from the site when my Avast alarm went off and said I had a worm. I kept getting alarms one after another until I navigated off the torrent site. I was trying to remove anything in my virus chest and didn't use my brain to click off the site. Then when I did,all was quiet. Then I noticed Norton on my desktop again right after . I immediately removed it yet again . Now I am wondering if I am getting infected since it has popped up twice since last night. I have heard you actually have to go into the Norton website to remove it and when I reformatted back around Christmas, that's what my neighbor had to do for me. I am afraid its a virus of some sort that resembles Norton or that it will interfere with my Avast as when I notice it, its usually running a "scan" automatically. Any suggestions ?
  16. Remember that in June Birthday boy.I have lots already planned and saved in my files for your birthday thread.
  17. How did I let that one slip by me?? Happy Birthday, Cuzin' Jed What are you gonna do with all those computers??
  18. <hugs>
  19. Your too young at heart to be a senior, Tommie.....Seniors are grumpy old people, who talk about Geritol and weather and the good old days.....and your good days are not behind you yet.
  20. Just don't be lighting matches at the same time.
  21. Footstool??... What are you, the jolly green giant or something.?? I ain't no F#@&ing midget either. And catching you won't be a problem ..I run like the wind.
  22. "Dribbly"...So you saying I am related to Muddy now?? Damn that ice slowing your download speed made you ornery today. You definitely need spanked gently of course.
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