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  1. lorne

    NAT Problem??

    Thanks swimmer, but i am only using one computer it is connected directly to the modem. I am sharing files via tracker. Since i am using only one computer i am completely baffled at why this is happening. Thanks for the help and keep it coming if you think of something else.
  2. Howdy all I have been trying to do some "sharing" lately and have run into a problem i was hoping you guys could help me out with. The client i am using to "share" continuously shows a yellow face, which possibly means that i have a NAT problem. The thing is i am using Win 2000 not XP so i don't think there is a firewall is there?? Also i am not using a router. Here is some info from the client FAQ Because of this my DL speed and upload speed is really bad like 10KB/sec. I have changed the port that the client uses a few times incaser my provider was throttling it, and still no difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. lorne

    7 Day Average

    Yep, great job CA3LE
  4. Array, Array. I like the way that sounds, might have to try that
  5. That is bass ackwards for DSL. But i would rather have a fast DL than upload. I would say you are very lucky
  6. Sounds like my ISP (shawcable) i am capped at the same and pay that much. Though i only see about 500KB/Sec dl and 50KB/sec upload.
  7. That is not a bad upload for cable. Mine is around 50 KB/sec and i have cable also.
  8. Don't quote me on this cause i haven't looked into it much yet. But i believe in RAID 0 you have 2 disks reading the same Data therefore much faster. Though for some reason it doesn't = twice as fast. The disadvantage is if one disk crashes they both crash and you lose everything. But you can run RAID 0 with a third drive as backup just in case.
  9. 2 drives running Raid 0 is alot faster than just one drive. Its all about the computer horsepower
  10. Reminder is my middle name Sweet, i just ordered some new RAM should have some good benchies to post with this mobile chip.
  11. Are you going to make it so you just have attachment button at the bottom of your reply so you can just click that, browse your machine and upload it? That would be so much better than having to register a domain and crap. Any idea when you are going to be finished? Would be cool to get a little friendly benching competition going
  12. That is insane I have a hard time even picturing how fast that DL would be
  13. So are you gonna tell us who your ISP is or what
  14. Ultimate, whao is your ISP?? Those are some sweet speeds, especially that upload. Are you on DSL or cable, with such nice speeds both ways it is hard to tell
  15. You can try changing your MTU to 1500, i use the TCP Optimizer to change these settings, just makes things more convenient Good Luck!!
  16. Vampiree something isn't right there, lol. I can tell you that if you keep Kazaa on your comp eventually it is gonna cause a lot of problems.
  17. Everything looks good except this Note: Under Windows 9x, if you have RWIN set to any other value, and the Analyzer reports 65535 you might need to install the MS Vtcp386 fix. For optimum performance, consider changing RWIN to a multiple of MSS. Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS: Is 65535 what you have your RWIN set at?? You might want to try the fix it suggests. You can also try setting your RWIN to 64240 that number seems to work well for a lot of people.
  18. Your welcome, just remember that it could be at its max
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