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Everything posted by lorne

  1. Wait till the pimputer is done and completely submerged in Hydrofluoroether Be blowing away almost everybody
  2. If only i could post my screen of my first benchie with my new 9800 pro hint hint 3D Mark 2001 se 17,245 That is with my system running at 200x11 and the 9800 running at stock. When i get a new PSU i will crank it up to 215-220x11 and oc the card once i get a better cooler for it. Hopefully i will bust 20,000
  3. If only i could post my screen of my first benchie with my new 9800 pro hint hint 3D Mark 2001 se 17,245 That is with my system running at 200x11 and the 9800 running at stock. When i get a new PSU i will crank it up to 215-220x11 and oc the card once i get a better cooler for it. Hopefully i will bust 20,000
  4. Looks cool, thanks for the link . Maybe one day when i can stop playing DC i will give it a try. As it goes now every waking hour is all about DC When are you guys gonna come play on that server i was talking about??
  5. Looks cool, thanks for the link . Maybe one day when i can stop playing DC i will give it a try. As it goes now every waking hour is all about DC When are you guys gonna come play on that server i was talking about??
  6. I must have...... RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
  7. Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! If only i would have known about this when i was younger. Mall security guards are idiots, would have been fun to see what trouble we could have caused.
  8. Yep the pimputer is still in the works. Hopefully will be done around Christmas
  9. Yep the pimputer is still in the works. Hopefully will be done around Christmas
  10. Hell yeah, why should we give them any help in there attacks or plans. They want faster computers let em build there oown out of whatever they can find.
  11. Swimmer is entering the HELL zone. I have never heard anything good about any DELL. I had to fix one for a neighbour last week and it was the biggest pain in the ass i have yet to encounter!!! I hope though that yours works good for you Swimmer Are you still playing BF 1942 or DC?? If you are let me know, i found a really good server to play on with no Smacktards. PM me and i will send you the servers ip. Could have some good games Offer is open to the rest of the TestMy.Net crew to if anybody is interested.
  12. Looks pretty sweet for a prebuilt. That ram seems a little slow for that system though, no?
  13. Disable XP's firewall it sucks and can really slow you down. I think it is in IE Properties>Advanced, just uncheck it. XP will turn it on sometimes so check it every once and awhile to make sure it is still off. If that is ZA 5 i would get rid of it and get 4, cause 5 is buggy as hell and alot of people are having trouble with it. Or even better get Agnitum Outpost firewall it kicks ZA's ass
  14. The designs you use are wicked, like the ones on the left hand side and the bulldog. The one on the left looks something like the tattoo i am going to get this summer.
  15. That is definetly not right!! What do you have your RWIN set to?? Have you checked for spyware and viruses with good programs?? What version of windows are you running?? Are you running a firewall?? Are you using a router??
  16. Yeah man looks great The reply box i find is a bit of a strain on the eyes though. The greyed out is cool, just the lettering isn't quite a bright enough white. Definetly a nice job though, must have been a chunk of work eh?
  17. UMMMM........ Holy Sh!t I need to get fiber optic run to my house!! Gee how much do you think that would cost LOL
  18. LOL, my ISP says that 30 GB a month is acceptable 10 up 20 down. In the last month i have done 70 GB up and 55 down, and haven't heard a word. Though i think i might sometime in the future
  19. Thanks, that looks really good! So do i need a server setup to have a website?? How do i get the info from my computer onto the site?? Do i ahve to know code?? Lots of questions i know but that is a n00b for ya
  20. So i was thinking of starting my own site. Not really a forum or anything, just a place where friends can share stuff It would just be small and would only be certain people and i would like it to be password protectec if possible so no idiots can get in. Of course the TestMY.NET people would be welcome. So could somebody point me in the right direction as far as a template and free Space is concerned. And any tips you might have for a complete n00b
  21. Close only counts in horseshoes, handgrenades, and slow dancing
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