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Everything posted by lorne

  1. Onboard Lan 10/100/1000 is supposed to be faster but so far i haven't had any speed increase with it. GB of Ram!! What are you going to use that rig for??
  2. Ahhh.... Yeah you have to make sure to back up your registry before you tweek just in case. Here is a link to some patches and a real good if not best optimizer i have used. I think one of these patches will set all your settings to where they should be. If it doesn't than you can try using the optimizer to do it. Just select your connection type and it will set all those settings to optimized settings so if you have something set wrong it will set it for you. Let us know how it goes https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php
  3. Welcome to Testmy.net!! You are getting about the speed that you should. Usually 90% of your advertised speed is what you should expect. What have you done for tweeking so far??
  4. Nope that is good!! Welcome to Testmy.net by the way
  5. Hmmmm...... Man your getting over what your supposed to!!! Most people get 80-90% of their advertised speed, you are lucky
  6. What is your advertised speed?? That is a pretty nice speed.
  7. First you are always entitled to the advertised speed, no matter what. Is that 0.7 down or up?? If it is down than that isp is taking you for a ride. I am sure CA3LE will have some more insight on this.
  8. Hey Frugle, hows it going. I pay $40 cdn and have posted speeds that are not to far behind yours, so iam getting a pretty good deal. Your speeds are really fast, but there have been faster posted here. So you don't have exclusive bragging rites What firewall are you behind, let us know, CA3LE might no a way to test with it so we can confirm it is a real test.
  9. Nope, my comp that i posted a bunch of scores here with was running win 98 and it had no problems.
  10. RTB, OUCH dude you dl at 3KB/sec?? That is insane i hope your upgrade comes thru soon. Edit: lol, i mean upload
  11. Ouch, that sucks that your upload is slow. No there is nothing you can do to speed up your upload. Though with a upload like that i would call your ISP and talk to them about it. Welcome to TestMy.Net
  12. I just bought Battlefield 1942, what a kickass game. But it is hard to find a good crew to play with and a good server that isn't full all the time. First i was thinking of building a server but then i would probably have to switch to ADSL right?? So EA games has servers you can rent but i wanted to ask you guys first if you had a better idea. I was thinking of making this server public but members who want to play that are from this forum and another that i visit would have priority. What do you guys think of this?? Would you play??
  13. Yeah there might be a update available, check out the mobo manufacturers site. That is pretty stupid that they would make a board with onboard vid and no disable option in the bios. Welcome to Testmy.net
  14. lol, footwarmer You hit the nail on the head with that one. I have it overclocked to hell. And i have a 92mm delta on my sp-97 heatsink that thing blows 100 cfm and lots of it is hot air. He he i notice a difference in room temp in the comp room compared to the rest of the rooms in the house.
  15. Well finally starting to get thing tuned up a bit still have a bit to go though ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4043 Kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 494 KB/sec Auth Code: 2060646 (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 72 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.07 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2060646&kbps=4043&gen=gen&a=11.4285714285714&b=1.14285714285714&c=1145.14285714286 ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4309 Kbps about 4.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 526 KB/sec Auth Code: 2064636 (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 77 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.95 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2064636&kbps=4309&gen=gen&a=11.4285714285714&b=1.14285714285714&c=1145.14285714286
  16. Dohhh.... I stand corrected
  17. I am pretty sure the smart test is the most accurate. I beleive it determines which size download is best for your speed and tests you with that. CA3LE will know forsure
  18. Sweet, yeah it would be a great addition to the site. Swimmer thanks, what is a ftp program??
  19. I take it they are not free?? I don't know about stealing from a ignorant public. I wanted to know how to speed up my conn so i did some research and did it. If other people weren't so lazy and looked into it for themselves than they wouldn't get ripped off. So it is their own fault.
  20. I am not sure, i guess it would be whatever win 98 se has for a default. Cause the person that had the comp before me had no idea how to tweek a conn. It is set at 64,240 right now that seems to work best for me.
  21. CA3LE i was wondering if you have any plans to make it so you don't need a server setup to post pics in the forum?? Just think it would be nice to be able to post pics.
  22. Yeah i will check and see about those drivers, thanks My board is the abit nf7-s. Yeah i was thinking of getting one of those lanpartys, they oc real good and they look wicked. I have heard of quite a few people getting dead boards but that is what rma is for. I am getting my conn slowly whipped into shape i will post a couple of scores later. I am running a folding program right now so i will wait until i stop it. Actually i should post my new system specs. Cpu: Athlon 2500+ mobile, OCed to 2.2 ghz MOBO: ABIT nf7-s Ram: Samsung PC 3200 512 MB vid card: NVIDIA GeForce MX 440 Hd: Seagate 40GB 7200 RPM This chip rocks i am running at 2.2 ghz at 1.5 Vcore i don't want to go any higher until i get my other heatsink. Right now i have a $12 heatsink on here. I have a aeroflow on order, when i get that i should be able to hit 2.6 ghz. Than when i finally get a sp-97 i should be able to hit close to 2.8 ghz
  23. Changing rwin made a huge difference for me. I went from about 120/kb sec to 580/kb sec. It most definetly is not a waste of time.
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