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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. whoa, scary..
  2. doesn't he already got a wife?
  3. jesus that would be a heavy taxing on the servers!! 200 cams @ once? whew..
  4. darn luck...
  5. no, actually it's ps/2, and I got USB 2.0 on the front also...hehe...speedy. Hey man, post some more tips, lol- i need 'em
  6. -1??
  7. oohh kaaaay...
  8. hey rom, I'm using a standard optical HP mouse...man am I pissed @ them right now...beside the pointer (haha), why would it be doing that? i mean, I have seen other people say "well, my right-click is instantaneous, so nworries" from at least 2 people...I mean, wtf? that's all...I will look into something to try n get it working right, unless I can get HP to replace my p.o.s. Media Center.
  9. welcome to the forums Joce! Thanks for the program..I'll check it out.
  10. I was gonna suggest spamsubtract, but it's not free...does the job great though!
  11. btw-why the hell is my right-click still taking 3 seconds to come up EVEN after I have done everything you said here?????!!! it sucks to lag behind everyone else here who has no probs at all..I hope you have something else up your sleeve, lol...
  12. sweet, I gotta check it out.
  13. whoa, that's a lot...thanks ROM-DOS...pretty sweet!! Where'd ya get all the info, and why is this not posted as a guide? ;) :D
  14. sigh...
  15. hey, thanks, i got it on there finally (Cingular in CA was having probs...) and it looks SWEET!! Wish my screen was bigger, but so what? haha, the pic is like space tastic, really sweet to see every single time I open my phone.
  16. not sure if I really gave any advice, but sure, why not?
  17. haha, especially if it is porn. for sure.
  18. http://lemonaid.250free.com/coolzoom.gif my latest..don't even start about how it sucks and all, I'm sure it does to many of you..
  19. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2559 Kbps about 2.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 312 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Nov 04 2005 00:21:19 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 46X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.28 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 1.71 % faster than the average for host (charter.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6HLVMB83J Whats goin on?
  20. There is no such thing as sounding noobish... I myself don't know what you are talking about, sorry, but I'm sure someone else here does...
  21. http://www.virgingalactic.com/en/when.asp HAHAHA!! Gotcha...really though..umm...$200,000? i sure can't afford it..
  22. this is soo, anoying man, don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it fixed. As I always put it to my parents when something goes wrong with the Media Center, "Guys, Have you ever known me to not be able to fix this? Just give me 20 minutes...hahahaha...*evil*..." anyway..lol Good luck
  23. I'll try and post mine tonite, sorry guys for taking so long.
  24. yeah, I don't wanna do that @ the moment, I will look into it though...just now learnig about PLL #'s and all ...from using a prog named CPUFSB actually: http://www.cpufsb.de/CPUFSB.HTM good program, if it was free..
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