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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. LG C1500? My brother just ordered me one from the Cingular sale (going till tomorrow, so check the page now!) at www.cingular.com , and it looks cool. anyone have one? btw-how reliable is cingular? do the rollover minutes really work? sounds sweet.
  2. liquid nitrogen sounds like some kind drug or something, is it cooling? and how does it work? I had my friend explain to me how water cooling worked, and he said that it only worked if you wanted to have a big loud compressor outside your house, and the possibility of having codensation drip on your components. true?
  3. lol...saw this coming:' (as I login) "Account Disabled" I :haha: I sure freakin hope so, with it showing an upload rate of (i'm not joking, If I can do it again, I'll show you) literally 30.8 TB/s Now that's speed!
  4. my friend constantly has LAN parties, or is invited to them and sets them up and networks them, but, no, I juts want to play the most basic online that I can...and I'm playing on a Rage 128 card, so, the gfx aren't too good, but hey, what the hell?
  5. oh, and thanks for the fast reply! Ok, I have CS, how do I get online to play it again? I tried to quick config, it couldn't configue it. or find the server, I mean.
  6. you guys are gonna think I'm stupid, but what is that for again? I mean, that looks like a great deal, but for what?
  7. http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=21876 a 6 GHz pc? scary..
  8. lol, umm may I ask why you would want to hack openoffice? :cool:
  9. Swimmer, I'm not kidding, I had to restrain myself from saying that exact phrase about 4 times now! sigh...
  10. bittornado works great, just gotta set your user-agent as BitTornado/t- or what ever version you have..this is fun, I gottta admit, and I'm not violating any laws..so..
  11. just- :haha: organ-I see your point, but I myself only use FF, and I run spyware software everyday pretty much. My mom uses IE 6, and when I see the report from where the spyware is coming from, it's coming from IE. just my 2 cents, no harm meant. netmasta- thanks for the backup man, lol
  12. so, it's (Intel's) fake 2 processors compared to (AMD's) real 2 processors, or fake chips compared to real extra chips... am i right?
  13. haha, no ip coming, even though I know some of you can see it, I was just talking about doing what this guy did: http://xyflar.blogspot.com not actually like destroying their site or anything, lol...nothin serious. besides, I got the account from bugmenot.com, I didn't sign up, and I didn't even download anything...except for what I had to while I was changing the address, et al...so, I'm not using it to get stuff without returning the favor, I'm not an a$$...lol we still cool RTB? don't wanna piss off a troll...*choke*
  14. here's the email I got today, as well some of you may have also: Quite interesting that they are rebuilding the entire site. Nice to know that they care about security that much though. indestructable.
  15. hmjm, I guess that's a yes...
  16. He's right, that test is complete BS, especially the part about hygeine... WTF?
  17. oh god, not the dreaded AMD vs. Intel Showdown again.... ps--AMD's are better. I overclocked my Duron from 885 mhz to almost 1 ghz, pretty amazing. Then the HDD died, well, actually it was already dead, well, i don't know.
  18. like *filemp3.org*..ahem...just wondering...if you are, then I'll stop here, if not, then the screenshots will be appearing any day now. :twisted:
  19. lol...the last 5 posts are all from you fathom...edit...just a suggestion
  20. what the hell happened to your sig???
  21. hey, ur profile says it anyway! how could you, CA3LE not score a perfect 10 on a computer tech quiz??
  22. That's windows MCE...where'd ya get it? my post above shows the exact same theme, because I'm on MCE 2005 (Media Center Edition)...lol..pretty cool when the program Media Center actually works.
  23. so, what about this? it doesn't work I take it. http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/
  24. hahaha!!! I just knew it! You got 10 right! Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head. "Yesss!"
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