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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. haha, yes, I do need all of those...this pc kicks ass, kinda... if it didn't suck. for my money, f*ck hp.
  2. haha, well, yeah, considering I got a C first quarter, that should help.
  3. ok guys, finally got around to it, I got a few, as in like 21 or so:
  4. it's ok ROM, I tweaked my teachers laptop (just the performance settings though) to best performance, but kept the bottom bar (the XP style) and the icon shadows, and now the right-click is instantaneous!! SO YAY!! Thanks again man!
  5. haha, you know everything, huh?
  6. my, that's an interesting way of putting it...lol anyway, BAPPY HIRTHDAY CA3LE!! hope ya get lots of this
  7. omg, your running through aol, why? haha, hey, sorry, just saw that and freaked...lol..Welcome to the forums r0b! do what that next guy says...
  8. :haha: that's all, lol
  9. well, he's in a country that has different copyright laws, obviously..
  10. http://thepiratebay.org/legal.php Oh, good 'ol pirate bay.
  11. That makes sense.
  12. hey man, could ya post a clearer one please? thanks.
  13. haha, I might even go to such lengths as to say that you might have one of those ungawdly trojans/other bs. enjoy cathing the predator.
  14. yep, theres a free version of it available
  15. I agree, this place is great..it's fun to help people out!
  16. you could *turns on webcam*
  17. hey rtb- http://www.greatis.com/appdata/a/s/sunprotectionserver.exe.htm
  18. damn, and I was gonna ask if you would mar..umm, never mind..
  19. The 7Ghz pc..ran stable for a whole 17 seconds!! Check it out: http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=ja_en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fblue.ap.teacup.com%2Fapplet%2Fmemesama3939%2F20050809%2Farchive that linky should work. enjoy.
  20. haha waterRTBH, I sent the guy an email.. no worries..
  21. yep, try hotscripts.com edit: try this maybe? http://hotscripts.com/Detailed/33868.html
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