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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. Well, the email is my mothers...lol...she's not gonna change it. I personally use Gmail, it rocks. I was thinking of setting up a Gmail Drive thingy, but then I thought, nah. I just threw everything onto my media drive (HP).
  2. huh? u joking fallow? I just saved my pc from certain doom with this cd.
  4. Hey All..I know that people are always talking about bacing up their pc's, well, now I need some advice. I know how to back up all the documents, etc..(Email DBX's, Addy book, the entire my Documents folder, stuff on the desktop, favorites folder..anything I missed?) but I would also like to back up some programs. Say I have something like 100 to 150 seperate programs on my damn pc. I'm gonna do a windows reload to fix all the errors. Last night, I did a soft reload, but that srill left a few problems unresolved. I'm gonna do a full. Soo, how do you guys go about backing up your pc's? I neverr back up mine, so don't flame me, please. There's some smart security related dudes here, so please give me the best knowledge ya got!
  5. It's Stank Ho's birthday! Everyone sing along! :D
  6. Ya know, no one ever did help this poor guy!
  7. Haha, thought I'd bump up the topic.. my SWEET specs (if the damn thing ever worked right!) Pics? Sorry guys, but I can tell you it's got some huge (I'm talking like 5 or 6 inch across) fan, a Huge h.s., and a lots of other coolstuf inside. HP Media Center Case XP Media Center Edition 2005 200 gb Maxtor HdD Epson Scanner (not home right now, sorry about model #) OC'd ATI Radeon X300 graphix card Integrated 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio Asus PTG-D1 Main Board LAN Card Happauge WinTV PCI 2 tv tuner (which as others of you with MCE know, is fun to have!) HP Media Drive 160 gb (shows in the front to the case, kinda fun to pull out at random points ) Seriously guys, anything I missed?
  8. Again, your point is? I mentioned several, well twice, that my friend simply gave me a backup copy o f it. He most likely got it off Limewire. I have refused to even download that program or any other p2p program just because 1) I don't wanna get caught and 2) It is (as you have blatantly pointed out) a sick bird--illegal, get it?
  9. Those !!'s went outside the template!
  10. Hey man, lemme see if I can get you an image of this, just don't tell anyone: http://winternals.com/Products/ERDCommander/ The Locksmith program allows to to change the password on any account, never fails either. The program, ERD Commander, just runs like a live version of windows. Anyone know how to image it?
  11. ok guys, I promise that my future posts will not be related to piracy...I'm just saying that my friend gave me a backup copy of his disc.that's all...nothing illigal, and might I mention, I'm not using it for hacking..c'mon guys, let's get over this bs. friends?
  12. I'm currently running off a copy of winternals, if you don't know, visit http://www.winternals.com/Products/ERDCommander/ It's like a live Windows XP...only with lots of cool things...and it costs $149...which I of course did not pay. Anyone else here ever hear of this/have used it? One of the best pieces of software I have ever used. I crashed my Media Center today after trying to restart from Windows Update being finished, and everything went downhill from there. What do I do??? Aha, my friend has this disc that he is constantly using to change admin passwords with ease, I think I'll borrow it.
  13. Ya know, he's got a point!
  14. thanks guys, I dont' have blue tooth, damn, but the WAP thingy works out!
  15. Someone? Someone here's got Cingular, and someone here's gotta have had the same problem I have..I'm not paying for my games! haha...so, anyone? please?
  16. haha! new sig! well, the hd was crap, apparently, my friend @ school is the TA for the comuter tech, so he gets all the old schools stuff. Plus, his mom works there, so he can store it all in her classroom...haha, it's wonderful being this guy's friend....i mean, I don't have the room @ home to set-up this computer he gave me (other one, don't ask...lol, it used to be the schools, actually!), but I still wanted it, so instead of taking the pc back, we worked out a deal with his mom to let me set it up in her room, as if (as my friend put it...) "we have another computer in the room for some reason....". hilarious! so, we set it up, with the student pc facing forward, and my pc facing opposite of that, and password protected it 3 ways from sunday! no one can get into it now (for at least the last 3 days or so), especially us, since either me or him, probably me, wrecked the HDD on THAT ONE!!! And I thought it was the Oc'ing of the rage 128 that's in it! well, I guess I was wrong. so now, day by day after school, me and him sit around (I have to wait for my dad to pick me up from school) and take apart BOTH, yes, the student also, trying to swap out parts to try to get it to work. Damn windows, we think that's what's the problem, that the boot got messed, and consequentially, it f**cked windows, awesome, huh? sorry again guys reading this for the rant...tired, it's 2:02 am in Cali...ugghh..
  17. So, Optimum upgraded to a what, 600Mbit package
  18. ok, ok, just dump the damn topic, sorry, it was supposed to be fun.. I know what your saying about it all being illegal, but I don't think so. fine, I wont talk about it here..geez. oh, and for the record, I wasn't trying to get anyone to "support me in any hacking endeavors"..I don't know where that came from?
  19. well, yeah, but...100/100? :D
  20. man, is that the truth...
  21. so you downgraded from the 100/100 you had? why??
  22. What are you guys talking about, reinstalling your NIC, etc? bs..unless your talking to the original guy, not the guy who started page 2....he's .2 over his cap, so be glad. no cablenut settings are going to fix, I mean, speed up his 'net any more...lol..
  23. yeah, really, I could only get my old AMD Duron to go up to about 985MHz, but I kept it at around 935MHz...it's normal was 885MHz, which, by my standards is just too slow..
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