ohh, did you really just say you don't know how to tweak upload and if you knew how you would... :twisted:
I know Van is reading this topic, so you'll have that upload tweaked in seconds!
yeah, that's pretty good. I've only gotten to 3.4 once. I can only get between 2.9 and 3.2.
seems you may have a 4000 down connetion? am I right?
holy hell!!! That's a lot faster! Good job dealing with tech support! Hope you continue to get that good speeds.
Post some more scores!
ps-why the hell do people go for satelite internet when you can (sometimes) get faster for about 1/8 of the cost?
I wish frickin RCN was in my area. stupid charter has got the city lettin them use the lines, so no one else is coming in to cover us. and sharter ain't exactley the greatest ISP...