yes, yes, I am on Charter, but hey. my download is pretty fast at least!
sorry about it being such a slow download. I'm supposed to get 256 up, but i'm not...ummm...I'll fix it eventually.
Van, I'm running it on port 1, as that Reverend guy posted.
The Reverend, none of those in google are mine...the file just came from the TV, and since I have a Media Center PC, I have a TV cable going into it, and it acts just like TiVo, so i can pause live TV, etc! I recorded that from the TV signal, and edited it later, then saved it in DVD style (Hi-Def)...I'll make it smaller, then you can try it again.
thanks for all the feedback, and I'll try and get Apache installed.
Wanna know something wierd? i went To Best Buy again tonight, and tried to acces my site (my pc) and it gave me the same port is blocked for security reasons!
later guys