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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. Nice try RTB, but... *Orders a sofa to fall from the sky toward RTB* there.
  2. [applaud] you are right, my renosih friend!
  3. I hope you guys all know I'm just messing with you. I've only smited one person, and that was an accident. don't be mad at me, please?
  4. Spyware...do you have Microsofts new spyware remover? Works like a charm. here: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx check it out! hope it helps.
  5. Smites for all! ps, check your smites.
  6. ok, I'll listen to 'em. crazy swedish meatballs! ;) What song should I listen to? how long did it take to download that? take it easy, ok? indestructable
  7. ya know the funny thing is that I haven't been smited yet! That's amazing considering all the stupid stuff I post! right? oh, and I'm pretty sure that your the one with 3 smites...
  8. bte Reverend, I love your Green Stars, I would kill to have something like that!
  9. okey, go here.. please. is 28.6 better than 160?
  10. hey, I'll make the file smaller so that you and others can watch it if you want!
  11. me too! thank you for all the help Van! I (most likely) won't forget this! :D
  12. it also may be my Firewall...I'm on norton. It seems to be letting stuff through though. hmm...81 coming right up!
  13. port 87 it is! edit: now on 87!
  14. the port 80 works for me, but not the others.
  15. That's ok, I have also! :haha: ok, i wasn't waitin on you exactly, you don't have to ever reply to one of my posts again, but you were being very helpful! Don;t worry about it though, go to bed!
  16. Well, No-IP says it can take up to like 5 mins to complete the process updating the DNS, so...
  17. okay, I updated No-Ip.
  18. welllll, actually all it is is a viedo of one of my favorite bands on the Leterman show! that's it, but I wanted to let some friends download it, so I'm using this place to get it working (from tips!) thanks again! btw-reverend, where are you located? what time is it there?
  19. I did. It's on 80, how about 8080?
  20. okey, It's on 80, try it now!
  21. can you see it right now?
  22. okay, okay, I'll smite you again. better?
  23. yes, yes, I am on Charter, but hey. my download is pretty fast at least! sorry about it being such a slow download. I'm supposed to get 256 up, but i'm not...ummm...I'll fix it eventually. Van, I'm running it on port 1, as that Reverend guy posted. The Reverend, none of those in google are mine...the file just came from the TV, and since I have a Media Center PC, I have a TV cable going into it, and it acts just like TiVo, so i can pause live TV, etc! I recorded that from the TV signal, and edited it later, then saved it in DVD style (Hi-Def)...I'll make it smaller, then you can try it again. thanks for all the feedback, and I'll try and get Apache installed. Wanna know something wierd? i went To Best Buy again tonight, and tried to acces my site (my pc) and it gave me the same port is blocked for security reasons! later guys indestructable
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