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Posts posted by dlewis23

  1. Think i found out what the problem is (kind of)

    I took out my second graphics card and everything works great.

    This is telling me i would think that it is either the voltage from the psu to the cards, one card is bad, the motherboard is having problems running 2 cards..( made for 4 cards) or some setting in the bios is making it crash while both are hooked up.

    Just a few thoughts about it hopefully with more testing it can be resolved.

    Played cod mw2 for a few hours no crash so far. Rebooted many times no crash on reboot. Leaving pc on for the nite see what happens.

    Well if it doesn't happen again, then its probably because your power supply can't provide enough current, or keep the current consistent for everything inside the system.

    What kind of power supply do you have?

  2. Im willing the bet I can copy that Mac for cheaper!

    Go right ahead, build up a parts list. Even exclude the SSD.

    There are 3 things you will never get, anything remotely close to the Chassis, the overall build quality, and the level of support incase there ever was a problem.

    It's not just the hardware that goes into a mac. People always come and say I can build the same thing for cheaper, in some cases you can, and in others you can't. One of the ones where you can't is the 27in iMac, you can't even buy the screen they use it to match it.

  3. wait wait wait you spent all that money on a laptop and it didnt come with a ssd? as much talk that goes on in here about Mac and that laptop with that price didnt come with a ssd drive? so you spent about 1k worth of hardware and 1.1k for the mac name.

    Also, its not $1000 worth of hardware. the processors alone are almost $800 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117185&cm_re=E5520-_-19-117-185-_-Product

    The ram is $185 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134925

    You can't buy the motheboard thats in it, but here is a dual processor board for $590 bucks - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813182174&cm_re=dual_processor_motherborad-_-13-182-174-_-Product

    Those 3 parts alone are over $1500 bucks. And that doesn't include everything from the GPU to the Chassis.

  4. wait wait wait you spent all that money on a laptop and it didnt come with a ssd? as much talk that goes on in here about Mac and that laptop with that price didnt come with a ssd drive? so you spent about 1k worth of hardware and 1.1k for the mac name.

    This isn't a laptop....

  5. So I bought a new Mac Pro the other week. I've had one at work for quite a while and loved it, but this is the newest revision, and the Nehalem Xeon's in this thing really make my old Mac Pro feel just so damn slow...


    2 x 2.26 Ghz Xeon 5520 (Nehalem)

    6GB DDR3 Ram

    2 x 640 GB Hard Drives

    40GB Kingston Real SSD for OS an Programs

    Redeon 4870 1 GB

    Apple really made some nice improvements with this revision because it runs a little cooler then the previous generation. My Boss has a i7 at work and it runs really hot, but even with 2 of them, idle the system is about 27 C with the fans at ~500 RPM, under a load it only goes to about 35 C with fast ~ 1000 RPM.

    It's really hard to hear the system at any point during the day, since every thing is rubber mounted, and the way the chassis is built there is some serious sound isolation going on here. Altho if I max the fans at 3000 RPM it does sound exactly like a jet engine starting up.

    So far, after running a few things, this new Mac Pro is at least twice as fast as the one I'm using at work.

  6. RoadRunner has business class 6/6 I think.

    That might be a good place to start. But I would ask them whether or not you can host a webserver on it, because many ISP's will limit what you can and cannot host. You may be able to host a private site, but a production server (Such as the .com your wife wants) is another thing.

    If you want good quality dedicated web hosting, I would look at http://www.godaddy.com/ They are great in terms of hosting, and the customer service is impeccable. I have been using them for 6 months, and I don't regret it at all. They do have unlimited plans, which don't limit your space or bandwidth as far as the server you are using will go.



    Using a business class connection to your home is generally a bad idea for a few simple reasons. The biggest is reliability. Its just not going to have anywhere the reliability of one of the connections that are in a real datacenter.

    You also have to know that your limited to just 1 connection, its not uncommon in a real datacenter to have 10, or 20 + different connections totaling at 200 Gbps + capacity. So if one or more carriers go down, or have a problem somewhere inside their network, your site doesn't go down.

    That also plays into the fact that with one carrier, your site is going to be really slow in places where that carrier doesn't go. Even hosting on AT&T and Verizon who have "global" networks, in many places they are very very slow, because they end up going over several different carriers to get to your server. With a datacenter that has many different providers there is a much higher chance that the end user will better access to one of those providers keeping the site fast all over the place.

    Also there is no such thing as "Unlimited hosting plans" That is just a scam to get you to sign up and think you can put as much as you want on there. If you read through a hosts terms of service, and acceptable use policy you will see that in reality you can't use anything close to what you thought you paid for.

    The cram 100's of accounts onto each server, and the server alone might not have enough storage for 1 account to use all of its "assigned" space.

    If he really wants 500GB of storage, he will have to get some kind of a dedicated server.

  7. Did not like chrome. It slowed down too much.

    How did it slow down? And have you tried the newest version? 1 and 2 sucked on memory usage, but 3 is better then all the other windows browsers I've tried, its faster then anything else on windows. The 4 beta is even faster.

    i agree about not liking chrome...i just dont like the layout of it. so i didnt use it much.  :|

    Well the minimal browser interface is where they are all going. The new thing is going to be to strip the browser to make it lightweight and faster.

  8. Usually a Data Center, these are places with other servers. They can help you out more.

    Or get a T1, DS2, or DS3 line or other. These are corporate lines that give you a static IP (So you can access the server from anywhere else) and usually .7M DL and UL, for a T1. Then the get higher, up to 45M DL and UL (DS3).


    That would be a stupid thing to do because the cost alone of a T1, or even a SDSL connection would cost more then getting a server in a datacenter.

    Most companies wont run any of those types of connections to a residential home anyway. And if you can find someone who will run it to your home, your not going to get a DS2/DS3 etc. Most are now doing 10E, 100E, 1000GigE, and 10,000 GigE connections. Which really isn't much of a problem here cogent will run a 1000 Mbps connection to your front door, but you need like a 600 Mbps commitment. And at $4 per mbps its gets real expensive real fast.

    Thanks for the input, greatly appreciated. The co-loation would have been here in town less than 20 minutes away. So me going there isn't an issue(but you say they charge me/myself for entering a place where my unit housed?) WTF.

    here is what I'm doing(using it for)

    a website for my wife(photography for customers to view and then purchase, so there is going to be "subfolders" for each customer for a few months and then it's going to rotate out to new ones). A ventrilo chat server for myself as well as ftp server for myself.

    I would like to have about 500gb and, good processor and good ram as well as unlimited bandwidth and speed.

    Any input?

    First off you will never get unlimited bandwidth, you can get a unmetered connection 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps. 10 mbps is most common and usually will cost about $100 extra per month depending on the provider. Sometimes you can get in on a special where they give you that for free, or get a plan that has more bandwidth then a 10 mbps unmetered connection.

    10 Mbps can push only 3300 GB per month. Going to the next level 100 Mbps gives you 33,000 GB per month, but will cost anywhere from $1000 - $2000 extra depending on the provider.

    If you shop around tho you can get a sever with a 100 Mbps and a fixed amount of bandwdith, which is what you will want.

    Since you want 500 GB of hard drive a VPS is out, as well most types of could services are pretty much out.

    Here is a few providers, all have solid networks and excellent support, all are also unmanaged so if there is a problem your fixing it most of the time.

    http://www.softlayer.com/cloudlayer_computing.html - There starter Cloud server is really good, and it can be expanded as your needs grow.

    http://directspace.net/ - They can customize just about anything you want, talk with sales and tell them what you want. There prices are really cheap for what you get too.
  9. Maybe the drive is "doa" , but your an educated man, by this we know never to assume, anything. Check the jumpers, change cable , change rail on the power supply, check bios as stated in earlier post, if ll else fails, better get that thing back before the return date expires no ?

    SATA drive don't have jumpers.

  10. Not really, Im just thinking if someone gave me a 10 dollar gift card Id be like WTF??? 5,000 dollar gift card. SHIT YEA! TALL CANDY!

    Your not a women tho (At least I think not.) Its different for a guy. If someone gave me a $5000 gift card, Id be excited too. Depending on the store.

    If it was a $5000 gift card to say Yankee Candle, I'd probably be pissed off.

  11. Depends on the amount.

    In my experience actually giving something thats not a gift card no matter what the amount works out better.

    If I thought I a $500 gift card to Louis Vuitton, Victoria Secret, Brighton, Coach etc. etc. would have worked out better I probably would have done it, and saved a ton of time and effort in the process.

  12. Im not really bitching. Did you get a divorce?

    Yep, And its a longgggggggg story... Not quite finalized yet. Sometime next month it will be, then I'm a free man. :grin2: 

    And this will be the first Christmas done my way. And so far its looking pretty good. it's an expensive one so far, but pretty good. My kids got a lot of toys that I have no idea where I'm going to stick.

  13. Talk about waiting till the last minute. I've got an idea for you guys, Next year ask her what she wants in July, then buy it in August that will give you a nice buffer. So then next year we don't have a topic with two bitching men 3 days before Christmas.

    I'm so glad I don't have to buy for a Wife/GF this year, it really makes life so much easier.

  14. OK. Here is something harder for you ladies.

       $url_p = parse_url ( $url );
        $host = $url_p['host'];
        $path = $url_p['path'];
        $fp = @fsockopen ( $host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 20 );
        if ( !$fp ) return false;
            fputs ( $fp, "HEAD ".$url." HTTP/1.1rn" );
            fputs ( $fp, "HOST: dummyrn" );
            fputs ( $fp, "Connection: closernrn" );
            while ( !feof ( $fp ) )
    			$headers .= @fgets ( $fp, 128 );
        fclose ( $fp );
        $return = false;
        $arr_headers = explode ( "n", $headers );
        foreach ( $arr_headers as $header ) {
            $s = "Content-Length: ";
            if ( substr ( strtolower ( $header ), 0, strlen ( $s ) ) == strtolower ( $s ) )
                $return = trim ( substr ( $header, strlen ( $s ) ) );
        return $return;

  15. login / ect security feature anti spam

    Close, its actually for registration. You wouldn't have anything with a captcha for login. All that does is check the username, password, and email for errors, and to make sure they are not using any disallowed usernames.

  16. Well since you all seem to like code so much, try and figure out what this does...

                if ( $userinfo['name'] == '' ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg1'];
                elseif ( strlen ( $userinfo['name'] ) < MIN_USERNAME_LEN ) $errors [] = parse ( $lang_account['reg2'], '{min_length}', MIN_USERNAME_LEN );
                elseif ( MAX_USERNAME_LEN > 0 && strlen ( $userinfo['name'] ) > MAX_USERNAME_LEN ) $errors [] = parse ( $lang_account['reg3'], '{max_length}', MAX_USERNAME_LEN );
                elseif ( preg_match ( '#[^a-z0-9_]#i', $userinfo['name'] ) ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg4'];
                elseif ( searchStringFromList ( strtolower ( $userinfo['name'] ), $DISALLOWED_NAMES ) ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg5'];
                elseif ( $username_exists ) $errors[] = parse ( $lang_account['reg6'], '{username}', entities ( $userinfo['name'] ) );
                if ( $userinfo['pass1'] == '' ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg7'];
                elseif ( $userinfo['pass1'] != $userinfo['pass2'] ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg8'];
                elseif ( strlen ( $userinfo['pass1'] ) < MIN_PASSWORD_LEN ) $errors [] = parse ( $lang_account['reg9'], '{min_length}', MIN_PASSWORD_LEN );
                elseif ( MAX_USERNAME_LEN > 0 && strlen ( $userinfo['pass1'] ) > MAX_PASSWORD_LEN ) $errors [] = parse ( $lang_account['reg10'], '{max_length}', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
                if ( $userinfo['email'] == '' ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg11'];
                elseif ( strlen ( $userinfo['email'] ) > 100 || !preg_match ( "#(.+?)@(.+?).(.+?)#i", $userinfo['email'] ) ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg12'];
                elseif ( $useremail_exists ) $errors [] = $lang_account['reg13'];
                $captcha_expected = ( isset ( $_SESSION['captcha_word'] ) && $_SESSION['captcha_word'] != '' ) ? $_SESSION['captcha_word'] : get_rand ( 100 );
                if ( $captcha != $captcha_expected )
                    $errors [] = $lang_account['reg14'];
                    $_SESSION['captcha_word'] = get_captcha_word ( );
                    $captcha = '';

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