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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by just-

  1. hey PolaSeeds yeah the speed test to a UK server gave you like 8mb not bad u didnt tell me u using ethernet or usb ? to connect the modem to ur pc
  2. hummm thats not really accurate test with this http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html sorry to be telling u to test in so many places
  3. can u tell me if u using the USB or the Ethernet on the modem are u using the modem by ntl/telewest or u bought ur own ? can you test and print out the score here from this site http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.marsden/newspeedtest.html this is a ntl site u may not get 10Mb from uk to the usa but inside the uk u should be able to get full 10mb whats ur score in this site? http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.marsden/newspeedtest.html
  4. lazyboi you can call BT and say to them that maybe the stabilization period didn't go very well that you are very close to the exchange therefore u should be getting faster speeds what does the bt website say in terms of how fast your connection should be? are u doing the speed test in other places to just to make sure, we are damn accurate here but doenst hurt to double check try out this speed tests http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html is every thing turned off like downloads in ur pc and stuff is any one else using the connection at home ? please report on the speed test back to us
  5. tommie i need a new life, how much hey ?
  6. my bad roco i see it was Voltageman actually with the atari anyway Voltageman u look cool with the atari7800
  7. DeepVoice you can ask an engineer out and they will only charge you if it is YOUR fault, if they find a fault in their line when they come out to your house then u wont have to pay it only if it is your fault will you pay but i think those speeds have to do with the settings in their exchange attenuation setting and stuff like that
  8. hi DeepVoice and welcome to the forum 1st of all no money here okay, this is a free community we help each other cause we want to not for money the Google adds pay for the site and donations under the Google adds seems kind of bad are you with BT ? so u into one of those packages up to 8Mbps but u not getting anywhere near it try testing with this server http://www.testmy.net/o-mirror-cf_master this is in the uk try with a 3 or 5 mb size one if it takes to long try a small one what is ur modem ?
  9. exactly 1 to 1000 i am not up for that isnt there any other way of doing this ?
  10. LOL i will never get to the size i want thanks for your help was hopping some one have an easier way to do it anyone ?
  11. okay that is cool but tell me if i want a random picture to be exactly 64Kb in size how do u do that ?
  12. but can u just type the size and it makes the size you want as in not resolution i mean picture size ?
  13. Hi guys i need some help i need to create picture with some sort of graphics or just blank ones but with exact file size can some one help me how do i make a picture of the exact size of 64k 128k 256k 512k 1mb and 2mb thanks for your help
  14. a bit off this topic now no i dont know but i would imagine 5Mb is they do a 50 but dont count on 50 really man lots of people complain about the 10mb their national backbone is not great with 20mb lots of people are going to go mad i just hope they dont impose bandwidth restrictions
  15. dude forget all that has been said norton ghost all the way for real its the best and easiet
  16. fiber NTL will this year increase their speed to 20Mbps maybe even 50 but 20 for sure and in a few years with the release of Docsis3.0 u will see 100Mbps from ntl
  17. hi REPO and welcome to the forum i hope some one here has Xplornet and can share their experience with u have u tried searching for Xplornet in our forums? have a nice stay at TM.N
  18. Voltageman i had some friends of mine who played with my counter strike source and they had pings of 5 to 10 ms and they actually lived inside the server no im joking they were on the same campus as the server compared to us with 30 to 50 ms pings on the internet
  19. GIXXERGUY6 this seems to be driving you mad so many opinions so many small posts okay answer this question 1- are you on the same network 192.168.1.XXX (meaning the last 3 numbers are different for you and this other pc) ? 2- what is your internal ip and what is the ip address of the machine u trying to connect to ? 3- have you got the server up and running and set up a password (VNC password not windows) ? 4- double check the port u trying to connect from ur machine is the same one set up on the server. please answer this question for us thank you trying to help you out
  20. Voltageman is on the 30/5 package VyraX seems is on the 15/2 Vyrax 15mb = 1,831.05KBps and he is getting 2949.4KBps so more towards a 20Mb connection i dont know what speed file he tested on but still nicely tweaked
  21. denis they have not fixed the cable yet they have just re routed the traffic via some where else the cable is supposed to get fixed by the end of feb
  22. okay kid j4m32 and kid FiberOptic i have 4Mb / 400kb package from NTL and it SUCKSSSSSSSSS yeah i live in a student area, i am a student but not a kid hehe and the congestion is just HUGE in ntl lines here, i though of going for 10Mbps but i have read some posts its just not worth the money plus my house mates dont wanna pay either Jim what package do you have with plusnet at 20:1 and unlimited with plusnet? i had them last year for one year and was not really happy
  23. This topic has been moved to NTL. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16555.0[/iurl]
  24. This topic has been moved to NTL. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16404.0[/iurl]
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