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Everything posted by just-

  1. noooooooooooooo dont revive this topic muhaaaaaaa lol just joking i dont think he is a great singer maybe a hot girl instead of a guy on a white tshirt would be better
  2. nice that is 100mb/s line right at 0mbps test hehe
  3. you could try and buy one of this http://froogle.google.co.uk/froogle?q=notebook+cooler&hl=en&sa=X&oi=froogle&ct=title
  4. hi karlcuya and welcome to the forum would be great if one of this guys who has a canopy antena would post a guide how to tweak it anyone ?
  5. god dag min v
  6. hi pgu579 and welcome ot the forum you might want to look in here for a firewall http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=17046.0 i am sorry i can speak Swedish ur english is better then my Swedish so dont worry how is your connection can u stop ur firewall before u make a test and POST the results here
  7. downloades in about 20sec or 4to5mbps at university this is in FF if i got to ie it downloads at 25kbps i dont know how long it would take but wierd its so different
  8. happy birthday to TimPawlak (15), netmasta disturbed (23) reno
  9. what is your signal strenght?
  10. I don't see those errors do you want to make us a print screen or do u know is it is from a specific mirror ?
  11. Swimmer is got a raid of 2X200 and moving to a raid of 2X320 i don't think he can mirror the raid like from a low level because obviously the raid disks are different the sectors etc.. but i think if you make a mirror of ur 1st raid to an external source then install windows on ur 2nd raid then u could mirror back that is my idea
  12. hey inmate717 norton ghost is one of the best backup softwares i have used v10 is the one i used and i dont think its that expensive would really recommend it
  13. YES a dns in your own computer basically that is it without much technical words
  14. it will not speed your internet connection it will speed what DNS does translate a address www.google.com into an IP so that your computer can put the ip on the packet and send it to your router to get forwarded to the destination server dns = domain name server translates addresses like www.google.com into an IP this ip goes in the packets sent to the router that go out to the internet so having you own DNS will speed this up, sometimes could be milliseconds sometimes it can be 1 or 2 seconds it will NOT speed you ur DOWNLOAD in torrent or FTP or PINGS
  15. hey The_General that is cool speed for brazil what is the most prevalent technology there dsl or cable or ?
  16. thats cool thanks it has been a long time i have been waiting for an answere here thanks Valeu cara
  17. i dont know mate i am with ntl i guess they have been registered with the name dunno why urs doesn't i am sure its just a pure database thing
  18. IP stats for : GB GBR United Kingdom 43 Lichfield 52.6833 -1.8167 US GBR United Kingdom TX Dallas 75207 32.7825 -96.8207 623 214 Distance to location: 4653.88 miles in the uk also
  19. hi guys i am really glad i made this section of the forum for wi bro u dont need to keep on posting only on this thread u can go to http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=135.0 and start a new thread if you have a different question or whatever thank you all for ur contribution
  20. hi Madgelina and welcome to the forum you will have to talk to daycheck if you still has invite or whatever about your upload can you post some speed tests if you only get slow speeds to rapidshare its because they are not allowing you anything quicker, its not your connection problem but theirs
  21. just to give you an idea 17179854743 terabytes 16777201.8974609 petabytes 16383.98622799 exabytes is this any clear 16383 exabytes huh still looks crazy to me LOL that is a lot of data can u tell us what is the date from start to end ?
  22. Moved this to the news section this is news right ? This topic has been moved to News. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=18351.0[/iurl]
  23. btw your connection is 10down and 512kb up not 384kbs
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