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Everything posted by just-

  1. going to give it a go at soft perfect bandwidth manager thanks
  2. once again hi guys from asia it is nice to start seeing some people from asia post in here hi to denis yogore and dobermaxx dobermaxx your advertised is 2Mb and that speed test is 1.5mb to an american server is not too bad i think denis is you advertised speed 2Mbps too ?
  3. cool they are backward compatible with the GSM networks does any one know what the class 10 or class 12 mean ? Quad-band EDGE Class 12 or Quad-band EDGE Class 10 just wondering
  4. Hey denis welcome to the forum are you from taiwan? what is ur advertised speed? like what does ur company say u suppose to get ?
  5. Are you aware that edge and hsdpa are two diff technologies do they make cards who support both ?
  6. hi wyantm i know what u been by Microsoft not allows you to change the resolution and using something ridiculous i had the same problem and i used the software with logitech webcam dlewis sometimes microsoft sets to a really small pic size and u cant change it this is if we are calling when u go on my computer and then see ur camera there under you hard disk in windows xp you can try this http://www.download.com/CamSnap/3000-2348_4-10572795.html?tag=lst-0-2 or http://www.download.com/ABF-Photo-Camera/3000-2348_4-9425333.html?tag=lst-0-9
  7. Hi guys since there is already a few of you from Smart Bro i though it would be a good idea to create a board just for you guys to post your speed tests. Please post only ur SPEED TEST RESULTS here if you want to discuss tweaking or have any question start a new thread or search though the old ones incase your question has been answered
  8. This topic has been moved to Smart Bro (Wi-fi). [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=17486.0[/iurl] i moved this link to a board of smart bro since i think there is enough activity for a new board
  9. this is a good discussion going on in here so am i write to say that to optimize ur speeds with Smart Bro it is best to tweak ur Motorola Canopy software like on reply 44 from elijahpaul and tweak a bit with TCP optmizer ? would you guys recomend this to fellow Smart Bro users?
  10. hey danobegood can't find any speed test results from you Sorry, your search: "danobegood" returned zero results are u trying with a 12MB file ? are u using the testmy.net main server or a mirror ?
  11. make some speed test with that baby i mean the server hehe
  12. i would not touch such a remote lol but sorry Dlewis i have never played with a configurable remote dunno or cant help u
  13. not sure if this is nto a joke goggles that makes u feel like u drunk omg that is just so funny for sure it must be for kids once they experience what is the day after being drunk which sucks big time they will not want to get drunk again unless its to show off lol
  14. No i hope this answered your question
  15. loading up nice and quick here u guys still having this problems ?
  16. nice looking fan vanburen
  17. for sure some one who has a lot of time in their hands HEHEHE nice video still
  18. we dont discriminate Chinese or Russians here i think we should leave that up to ca3le its his web site but i agree to many inactive people here wish it was 40000 active members but its not
  19. give us some more detail what will u use the phone for u looking for a simple phone or complex with email and keyboard what's the price range ?
  20. this is a good idea hope that ca3le check this out and makes a dual test for europe too fingers crossed and dax welcome to the forum
  21. dude some funny shit indeed thanks
  22. Roco u spamming? huh hold on isn't this a pointless post from me also i could have used a PM huh am i spamming too ?
  23. I F1NAL I you using verizon right do u know what technology you using ? what palm version have u got?
  24. hi hfskjshf just wanted to be the 1st to say welcome to tm.n forum you are the number 40000 to join this big "family" welcome to the land of speed test, broadband question or just anything you really fancy (within the rules)
  25. hfskjshf it is hfskjshf our 40000
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