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Everything posted by just-

  1. happy Guy Fawkes day to you ROCO !!
  2. hey dlewis23 yeah this will do just fine for a website i am talking a medium website a bit like testmy.net without all the speed test traffic sort of size maybe a bit more of ram would be a good idea to handle all the sessions and stuff but it looks like a good price under 1000 that chasi from Supermicro is god btw
  3. 4G of ram that is ridiculously good is that 4X1g or 2X2G ??
  4. This topic has been moved to Test Board. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16826.0[/iurl]
  5. does some one have a 5/2 tweak for cable nut this guy could use ?
  6. 5/1 i think, yeah u not getting near what u should try this test http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=000-2&out_src=20MB make sure no one else is using the internet while u doing this or no other program is using the internet
  7. hi farithitru31 and welcome to the forum what package have u got ?
  8. installing in progress yeah seems sweet when they going to integrate windows media with ipod does any one know a tune for that ?
  9. so caren_stearns you have decrypted and u can watch it in windows media player now you need to convert it to your ipod or whatever device u going to watch it on what is the device you want to put it on ?
  10. around 0.4 download for a pda on the move is not bad at all sweet
  11. he has not built the pc yet so i cant tell you some real world expirience yet
  12. a friend of mine is building a new pc with that cpu and he bought this mobo MB ASUS P5B P965 775 - Retail (Qty=1, Price=$141.99) from newegg
  13. you need to rip them and then convert them to a format that works in your mobile device do you need detailed explanation of every step ?
  14. Wazzup party people This is for all you gamers and VoIP users out there. so i am going for the past year or so through a phase of headsets or headphones i check out what is in the market, all is expensive and i buy this or that some i buy and sell some i buy and stick with but basically i want to hear some opinions of you guys out there and what you recommend and think i am going to start with the headset i use daily i got it for free from work and its a Logitech Premium USB Headset 300 its an old model so they don't produce it anymore i also had and sold this http://www.sennheiser.co.uk/uk/icm.nsf/root/05349 Sennheiser PC 130 yeah Sennheiser i thought were good, but this was their low range headphones and they just did not fit my head at all really crappy in terms of comfortability apart from that they were okay i have a friend of mine who has the PC150 and he said they are very good the part that fits in ur ears is a lot different from the 130 to the 150 so they might be good for normal headphones i have my ipod white headphones and this Sennheiser HD 205 http://www.sennheiser.co.uk/uk/icm.nsf/root/products_sennheiser_headphones_dj_500263 they are really good but a bit heavy compared to the new models still the sound is amazing last but not least i got a PC wireless headset Logitech
  15. yes you can remove them i dont know if it will stop the freakin host pop up
  16. hi guys i found this home made kidy website speed test that is hoted by NTL http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.marsden/newspeedtest.html Attention once you ran the 1st test click on the link in the website to repear test, dont refresh or go back, cause its such a simple scrit it will be cashed !! it is not very acurate since it only uses 512KB files but its something new to try here are my tests Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:11:26 GMT 1st 512K took 1110 ms = 461.3 KB/sec, approx 3801 Kbps, 3.71 Mbps 2nd 512K took 1062 ms = 482.1 KB/sec, approx 3973 Kbps, 3.88 Mbps 3rd 512K took 1109 ms = 461.7 KB/sec, approx 3804 Kbps, 3.71 Mbps 4th 512K took 1079 ms = 474.5 KB/sec, approx 3910 Kbps, 3.82 Mbps Overall Average Speed = approx 3872 Kbps, 3.78 Mbps Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:12:30 GMT 1st 512K took 1094 ms = 468 KB/sec, approx 3856 Kbps, 3.77 Mbps 2nd 512K took 1094 ms = 468 KB/sec, approx 3856 Kbps, 3.77 Mbps 3rd 512K took 1062 ms = 482.1 KB/sec, approx 3973 Kbps, 3.88 Mbps 4th 512K took 1094 ms = 468 KB/sec, approx 3856 Kbps, 3.77 Mbps Overall Average Speed = approx 3885 Kbps, 3.8 Mbps Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:12:43 GMT 1st 512K took 1093 ms = 468.4 KB/sec, approx 3860 Kbps, 3.77 Mbps 2nd 512K took 1094 ms = 468 KB/sec, approx 3856 Kbps, 3.77 Mbps 3rd 512K took 1078 ms = 475 KB/sec, approx 3914 Kbps, 3.82 Mbps 4th 512K took 1078 ms = 475 KB/sec, approx 3914 Kbps, 3.82 Mbps Overall Average Speed = approx 3886 Kbps, 3.8 Mbps
  17. 1.7 is a lot over 10 MB hehe it was a peak but yeah u probably on the good track check out this post http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-16779 has a speed test FROM ntl them selves
  18. Members: 36700 3300 to go
  19. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16717.0[/iurl]
  20. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16728.0[/iurl]
  21. 1- okay one type your template 2- save it, it will go into the drafts folder 3- drag the email from outlook to your desktop somewhere outside 4- you should not have a .msg file with a look of an envelope that is ur template, open it edit and click send you template will always look like the one you wrote in the 1st place follow the pictures
  22. you can try installing it in another pc then make a back up of counter strike source, this is a back up provided by steam then all you need to install in ur laptop is steam and then tell steam where ur back up is and it will install counter strike source from your back up http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=275&p_created=1100740298&p_sid=y_7G4fli&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTA2JnBfcHJvZHM9MCZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PSZwX2N2PSZwX3NlYXJjaF90eXBlPWFuc3dlcnMuc2VhcmNoX25sJnBfcGFnZT0xJnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9aG93IHRvIGJhY2sgdXA*&p_li=&p_topview=1
  23. hi melynnie2002 just like roco i am kind of late, i am just as far as roco i think i would row faster then roco since he said he is kind of an old folk but i don't know really, just speculation anyway down to what u want to know those 15 files u talking about are RAR for sure, not iso not bin files they are called rar files. so basically you have downloaded a big file that has been split in small files for you to get that file out, you need to unpack it, or unrar it you can download the trial version from here http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm - choose the 1st option ( WinRAR 3.61 Graphic and command line Trial) once you done this, u will see that all those 15 files have changed to icons of a stacked books this means it is ready to open, right click in ONE of the files and select extract look at my picture attached in the bottom of the message select the location of where u want the files extracted TO and hit goooo see it working and then boom the file should be where u told it to go so this should give u some answer about you question about the 15 files anything else give us a shout, always like to help
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