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Everything posted by just-

  1. traceroute ? u doing this in Linux or a cisco box? can u give us a copy paste example i have had that problem in a cisco router tracerouting and it was taking ages not because of the routing on that router but on some other place on the network but its very difficult to know ur problem just from what u said give us some more info
  2. yeah very nice nideed jelous of you
  3. are u in the UK or USA or ???
  4. Check out this monitor http://uk.asus.com/news_show.aspx?id=3662 2ms and look at the Power Bass behind it lol i think its an over kill
  5. This topic has been moved to News. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15624.0[/iurl]
  6. adware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
  7. okay i will stay tuned
  8. signed up for a few stuff hope u get more spam !!
  9. i want to give a try to the new unbunto i think its really easy to install i only ran the old version on a live cd got to try it out but yeah would be cool to have a guide
  10. glad to see some one shouting at ca3le HEHEH just kidding anyway i was starting to have withdrawn symptoms i need my fixxxxxxxxxx
  11. if you think that is cool then look at this monk [/html]
  12. i dont like much the idea of the sky and orange packages but it depends if u want stay with them for long or not i presume u dont have ntl or telewest available i would go for them if u could. pipex is a good isp i would recomend them as well i do not recomend www.plus.net
  13. Okay so here is my theory i don't know how many people do the smart test vs choosing the size of the file, but i don't think the smart test is very smart why? well lets see when u click in smart test it downloads a small file if the file downloads really quickly it download the next file size until it stops when it hits a certain download time for a certain file size i don't know how it really works but i presume its like this so if it is a smart test why does it not think a bit smarter for example: if a user downloads 100Kb under 1 sec what is the point on going to the next one 300Kb file i think it should jump automatically to the 1Mb file and then if 1Mb file download is under 2 sec, don't go to 3Mb file jump to 5 Mb file i don't see why a guy with a 10Mb/s connection that download all the files under 5MB has to go though all the little files to get to the big one, it not only wastes time precious to the user but it also eats up bandwidth do you have any suggestions? did you understand what i am trying to say ?
  14. yeah thats a good upload look at mine :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 251 Kbps about 0.25 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 31 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/08/06 - 4:15am Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 33.03 sec Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 33.10464 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 9.13 % faster than the average for host (plus.com) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-INHLTWRM1 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/ [!]
  15. hi guys okay so i was walking through the corridors in the offices like i do every day and today was my lucky day, there is this guy in my department i am really jealous of, he has got soooo much free stuff from just grabbing stuff in the corridors today was my day i got an old but SEALED mother board. plus i still have a sealed dual 10/100 nic to give away i did a little video clip for you guys check it out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1129683234409797701 Damon this is a donation for you, i could sell the motherboard for a few bucks i think 170 is brand new maybe ebay for 100 i don't know, but i don't really care about it i got it for free so its yours guys okay !! but I'm not sending any of this items to a member for free i want to see some one work for it, a logo contest or a scripting contest, whatever but they got to work for it thats my only requirement to give it away
  16. Ryan what is causing the heat in your room is not PC is not your AC its the WEATHER its too darn hot every where (global warming) thats whats causing the heat in ur room
  17. Don't worry maxinnejr we don't call everyone and anyone Douche Bag hahaha just messing with you Shug anyway thanks for the nice words i like this forum quite a lot as well as the topic of internet speed tests welcome to the forum hope you like yoru stay in here
  18. PUMP IT UP LOUD !!!! for tdawnaz happy birthday
  19. sorry i dont understand your question can you please rephrase it in some other way thanks and sorry
  20. one word for you might not be helpfull but think about it TORRENTZ !!!!!!!!
  21. awsome u are lucky i live a but far from the Exhange and they think i can only get 4Mb anyway to help you out for you to get 7mb or near it tell us do you connect via a USB to your Modem or ether to your modem? do you connect to a modem or a router? what router dor you have ? can you post some speed test here can you post the specs of your machine cpu and ram and stuff like that when you do this test i assume u not running any other internet or any other resource hungry applications keep in touch always good to see some one from the uk i am not roco but i also live in the uk HEHEH
  22. [quote author=TheHalf
  23. dude 250G hard disk and 256 memory they going to be to happy i dont know if it is a good deal, i dont really know about budget computers but seems cheap yeah
  24. HAHAHAHA nice one
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