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Everything posted by just-

  1. the goalie was the start in the last game but deco now will be able to play also i am hopping to see some good games from portugal we are lacking some goals in the last matches of the world cup
  2. php our new user ms526 is not in the usa but even here in great britain most ISP dont allow you to host webservers or any kind of server services like gamming servers or voip services in a residential connection.
  3. Hi ms526 take it easy, life is to short to get worked up on just a few comments from Swimmer Swimmer doesn't run an ISP and what he was saying is what happens 90% of the time out there not what he would want for the world to be like maybe. Most ISP's that sell business and residential packages dont want you to use ur residential package to host webserver or gaming servers stuff like that. BTW ms526 are you hosting this webserver in your house connection and just in case you wanna share a bit more with us, is your house connection connected to a commercial ISP or are you hoked up to a University Network?
  4. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 1424 Kbps about 1.42 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 174 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/07/05 - 3:19am Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 5.89 sec Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 17.20896 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 59.64 % faster than the average for host (intel.com) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MJU7IPW8B User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/ [!]
  5. CAMONE PORTUGALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl !!!!!!!!!!!!! we play today against france if we win we will play Italy in the final camone every one cheer up for portugal !!! quite schocked about germany going out
  6. not american didnt celebrate it had to come to work watch soccer world cup at night at home
  7. do you have a counter strike source server ?
  8. a bit expensive looks cool
  9. AWSOME stuff
  10. hi JustaDude and welcome to the forumz your 8.7Mb speed with a bit of tweaking u might be able to get it near 10Mb a sec have a look here http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-3 in the 1st two threads enjoy ur stay post any question you might have im sure we will do our best to help
  11. some pretty crazy people here i see i don't think i ever staid awake up more then 2 days
  12. so was there a lift off or not ?
  13. i just got one error Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/testmyn/public_html/tools/test/results.php on line 312 Could not connect: still not fixed i guess and again Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/testmyn/public_html/tools/test/results.php on line 312 Could not connect: specially in the dual express download when it does like 4 of 5 tests one after the others
  14. i dont know if 120mm fans are quite or not but if u say so i belive you, it then can be used as a bed side table if it is so quiete
  15. hi ms526 nice to see some one from the UK welcome to the forum 800 meters is not bad at all so you are in the new MAX product lucky you i haven't been upgraded yet how long have you had the service for? as far as i am aware they ask you to let Ur modem be turned on for the 1st 1 or 2 days when u get the line so they do some average calculations and set your sync speed in ur line u are saying your synch speed is maximum which is good and you also saying you have seen downloads of 800kb/s my question are this: did you see a spyke to 800kb/s or you see a constant download of 800kb/s ? do you see get slower speed from the same place where u once had 800kb/s ? is this at any particular time of the day ? what isp are you with, a few ISP in the UK are now doing traffic shaping like plus net and a few others can u post some speed tests here for us to see ?
  16. boy what can i say ur upload rocks and ur download is like a dream to me
  17. good rugged phone not what i need since i don't go hunting LOL thinking of getting a new phone for my self also been 4 years with the same phone its so MASHED up its unbelievable i think the buttons only work with my special fingers now LOL
  18. Not every one in the UK is like this guy well not me when they call me i tell them I'm not the owner and if they could wait just a second and i don't hang up and just leave them waiting and go about doing my business sometimes i call my house mate and tell him its his mate when i want to annoy him
  19. AMD in a laptop wow you must be crazy, fair play to AMD they got some strong CPU in the desktop and server market but mobile chips please go with intel if u actually want some performance and battery just my 2 cents
  20. i dont understand what is holding them up why dont they just release it DOCSIS 3 or even 2.0b rrrrrrrrr bandwidth please specially upload in xDSL upload is needed
  21. what is ur package 3mb down and 512kb up ?
  22. this amature radios stations LOL
  23. what would linksys gain on blocking a port for download? and the DDoS atack in a home user router, WHATTTTTTTT still makes no sense to me
  24. you sure about this i know u dont know why? but does any one else can think of an idea why a manufacturere would do this?
  25. its not working is the station down ?
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