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Everything posted by just-

  1. IRC lol i havent been there for a while why did u creat your own server may i ask ?
  2. what is that website man looks like spam LOL FREE THE PIRATES ALL THE WAY
  3. hummm i don't know i don't mind getting a CD with all this software but why are they installing it?? this will turn some customers away but i think in the other hand they are clever, this will appeal to more people and they will get money from the companies like goggle and skype i wont buy a desktop or laptop from them but well its just me maybe
  4. Rom dude you know all the NUZE around the block from what i read in that link it does not convince me that there is yet a city with wifi ready all over the city.
  5. you are far away ca3le i will try it at home with my fast 2MB connection wont work from work because they have a java application and whatever just doesnt work this is why testmy.net is so good work everywhere and anywhere
  6. is the firewall and this new stuff still free ?
  7. so this time is chicago can some one please update me in SanFrancisco and loads of other cities that wanted to deploy free or paid city wide wireless has any city at the moment have wifi deployed in a scale of a city? yes or no ?
  8. about AMD live i just have to say that intel VIVII or whatever its called is not that great a lot of expectation but it didnt turn out great i dont know if AMD are going to come up with something special but i think its not up to the processor guys or platform as they like to be called now to change that is the all package that is the problem
  9. i can't belive they confiscated the servers they will be back up soon i hope
  10. when u put ur post code in the BT website what is the speed they think you can get ? stupid but might be true have u reset the modem ? and btw welcome to the forum nice to see some one from the uk
  11. ur upload is capped at 10 and downloas is far from 100mb shame but still OMG so damn fast
  12. LOL i love the random things you find rom-dos i just skip all that crap from digg, techcrunch and lifehacker but you pick up the obscure things and post them here LOL
  13. its a rip off for the black one what counts is inside and the TestMy.net Sticket hehehe
  14. new link for screenshots http://news.com.com/2300-1025_3-6072445.html?tag=ne.gall.latest
  15. i am sure we can work it out lets say a power supply at 400W how much does it cost one kilow what?
  16. richcornucopia it was you who over took me rrrrrrrr im going to hunt you down now hehehe just joking
  17. just-

    hosting plan

    dud they are tight here and you know why cause only one company not too long ago OWNED all the damn cables british telecom you guys in the usa i know u have verison but still the marke tthere is much more free and liberal then it was here a few years ago
  18. just-

    hosting plan

    i am in the uk they have 1 and 1 .co.uk in here also they are very big worldwide that is how they can provide with some good packages but bandwidth in the uk sucks whats it like the packages in the usa one ? what connection do they garantee in terms of speed? the starter pack server comes with 1000G transfer in the usa and in the uk only 10G see the difference in bandwidth cost
  19. just-

    hosting plan

    what about http://www.ev1.net/english/index.asp are they any good ?
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