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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by just-

  1. hi PlatinumZ welcome to the forum is this test using wireless ? what is ur advertised speed ?
  2. hi fast2surf and welcome to the forum skyDSL is this from dsl from sky tv in the united kingdom u asking?
  3. seems like we have an engineer over here dlewis23 nice job, yeah tell us more about the network design, how you distributting the network via what type of switches and ... well basically whats the network design over there ?
  4. the recommed way to get ur latency would be to download something that will utilise all ur connection for like 1min or so and do a tracert while doing that HUGE download this should be on the 60 to 100 ms the 1st hop from you to the next place
  5. OMG that is really nice what else can i say
  6. there is a comand to do a diagram of ur packet lost in command prompt some one help me out here
  7. OK so van u got upgraded for free so u still paying the 40 bucks or so for 10/10 and getting 100 up and down what about download limits they had a 300G cap on that 100 package whats the deal now ?
  8. go to start>run type cmd and click OK a black window comes up type tracert testmy.net press enter and it is done Q: How do I do a tracert? A: Click Start/Run and enter cmd (or command depending upon your OS) and click the OK button. In the dos box (the black box that opens up) type tracert followed by the site you want to tracert to e.g. tracert testmy.net and press the enter key. To copy the result, right click in the window and from the pop-up menu click select all and press enter on the keyboard. The contents are now on the clipboard and can be pasted into a post or any application that will accept text. If you do not want the entire contents of the window, you can click mark instead of select all, then click and drag across the portion you want to copy. While the desired content is highlighted, press the enter key. Now the selected text is on the clipboard. Another alternative is to Click Start/Run and enter cmd /k tracert testmy.net. You may substitute whatever site you wish to use in place of testmy.net. Use the instructions in the paragraph above to copy the result.
  9. Connection is:: 102 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 13 kB/s this is double ur 56k thats awsome if this is acurate but because you using a cell phone i dont know if this is true or not or you are via a proxy
  10. does the mother board make any beep noise normaly they do and in the manual it tells what is missing could be bad cpu or something like that or u could have fried the mother board and all the rest is fine
  11. random add do you know what it says ?
  12. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11344.0[/iurl]
  13. its kind of beyond the realm of possibility to be honest with you you can check for a WISP (wireless ISP) you would have on install a dish in their house or maybe a mast and put an antena or something i dont know what a Tomodachi is could u tell me please use this tool from dslr http://www.dslreports.com/gmaps/localisp this is for local isp in the area that ur Tomodachi lives. but it highly probable that some places in the USA only have sat and yes its expensive
  14. the overclocked CPU and still under warranty is some good negotiation from dell there i give credit to them yeah most of the times they get cheaper prices unless you buy ur parts out of ebay or something u might get a better deal but i think it would be very hard, plus the painted case and everything else any way 5000 is A LOT of money
  15. that is wicked pitbull481 gosh i see you are ranking up the post over 2000 way to go kid !!
  16. hi elvis2k and welcome to the testmy.net forum team this is a very intresting problem it could be that the firewall is having to analyze massive amounts of traffic and therefore its spyking it to be honest with you i am not an expert and a firewall could be doing many things any one any other opinion?
  17. yeah you are at a germany university i believe you got some sweet connection have u tried testing against http://www.testmy.net/o-mirror-just- try these speed test the big one this is in a germany data center
  18. sounds like a project do a benchmark before u upgrade and after the upgrade that would be bool
  19. SWEET harddrive it has to be said check out some pictures here http://www.wdraptorx.com/photos/ looks like dell is getting well into gaming machines i mean not like alien ware or voodoo machines but they are sure ca-thering for the gamers in that machine looking good for dell i think
  20. I'm from portugal and basketball is not big over here but i know who kobe is and that is amazing so many points in one game did i understand correctly that the record is Wilt Chamberlain - 100 what is michael jordans record ? and shak what is his record ? camone NBA fans you must know this
  21. any one has any comments on 802.11n's first draft approval. ??? what is the speed they are tying to aprove with this new standard? anyone
  22. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11254.0[/iurl]
  23. your isp is sympatico.ca what is the package you are paying for for how much download / upload ?
  24. hi somebody just wanted to say welcome hope some one from cox can help you out i dont know about cox plans enjoy ur stay here
  25. i got a P4 3G with 512RAM as my file server what an over kill LOL
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