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Everything posted by just-

  1. what so special about it is like msn spaces isnt it ?
  2. ok now im getting pissed off what is yahoo 360 ?
  3. nothing that is free is legal this days so if u want legal buy it out of itunes or go to ur local shop
  4. YEAH !!!!
  5. what is yahoo 360?
  6. Bit torrent all the way now !!!!!
  7. whats the upload u get in testmy.net ?
  8. peep nothing wrong with an old 1 or 2 mb camera let the dude alone man
  9. not recomended it does contain spyware i think
  10. 5 diff resolutions sounds quiet a lot but did u also know that each resolution has a fine medium and super fine in mine it has, what cam have u got if u set it to super fine will take more MB then it would in normal mode or whatever the lowest one is see what i mean?
  11. one of the biggest upload i have ever seen nice
  12. Intel is a bit more expensive then AMD they are both good and i would go for any of them so if i were u i would choose Intel have u decided?
  13. hum that is a bit wierd maybe its some driver compatilibility at the moment i have a wierd problem also the folding program i got the gui interface if i leave it open and running in my system tray its fine if i open to see the nice animations going about and i leve it open for about 2h or something like that my pc crashes and the resolution goes to the worse my system can go back to i dont know why this happens either overheating of the graphics or what the hack it is but its wierd.
  14. 9640 i dont know but i say 100 a week so maybe i say 3 weeks to get 10 000
  15. overclock the 1st time u building computers hummm not recommended by me
  16. ok 1st what cpu ? then what motherboard ? so what u going for intel or amd ?
  17. that is quiet often maybe u should open a shop dude
  18. Fallow have u got any part of the pc u want to build yet?
  19. krzychu80 post the upload speed here.
  20. hi arjunpatel2003 welcome to the forumz if its really fast dont complain about it do u know if they have upgraded the network recently?
  21. enjoy memorial day in the uk we have a bank holliday dont know if it is cause its memorial day or not but im on hollidays now anyway
  22. F5 seems more sensible then Enter but still a bit ???? what the hell
  23. should this not be moved into the forum of Suggestion to Testmy.net ? just a thought
  24. LOL u really making me laugh with that picture 5 stars what a joke
  25. man the pic is nasty thank god not one posted here, this is a family forum !!
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