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Everything posted by just-

  1. I'm not very good at art guys. just sticked some picture together and came up with a simple Sig. wondering what u guys think about it
  2. Mav btw welcome to the forum this is a family forum just use your common sense and all will be good yeah your speeds look ok for a wireless network what does windows say in terms or reception? good bad or what ?
  3. irc good old time i started there my early days in the internet too did u ever used xdcc and stuff like that
  4. LOL sorry i thought i read way in the top and u were on directway u on ROGERS thats ok for rogers i have never seen that speed on directway that why i was amazed
  5. cable is the daddy s1 is a mod vanburen is a mod but he is not in much this days rtp is one also halo something is a mod also
  6. s1 Keep it up man is this a family forum btw ? or can u swear ?
  7. welcome to the forumz sure u are in the right place and btw nice equipment u got even though im not an AMD fan
  8. try in a dark room to see if there is any light in ur monitor and if its the backlight in the monitor not working its because of a bad connection god i had that in my shit laptop u have to flick the lid open and close a few time, while it is on untill it flashes and the image will come up but 1st stick in a proper monitor ok come back to us
  9. cow from my reading i think he mens Cre8or
  10. i thought direct way was slow 4MB wow nice !!
  11. LOL round one fight !!
  12. WOW how will the implement that? heard about dual core, actually met one of the guys in intel who developed the dual core processors but triple core? never heard of it, or are they going to run 3 seperate processors any one clear me on this one please
  13. going to post that right away cable do u have a stats of how long is testmy.net down? 99.9% up is it? yeah compared to dslreports testmy.net is up more , we going to get them guys !!
  14. .s1 still some way to go dslreports its really the daddy of forums and information regarding broadband in my opinion but sure this is going to challenge dslreports soon loads of things to do, poor cable got to work so hard
  15. ok fallow i think i can help you out we just need some more information really and bare with us 1st if u hear the hd and stuff like that is cause ur pc is not dead (good sign) 2nd do u have an external port vga port to connecto to a big screen? if you do try that out, and start your pc with a new screen connected, if nothing comes up in the big screen external, you should have to click some function key and then a special key somewhere in ur keyboard to display in the external screen if nothing displays please come back to us i got other ideas
  16. Once again thank you cabl3 for this cool website and forumz and all the people in them What shall we do for the 10000 customer ? only 1300 lefts guys, are we going to give him a prize? what do u suggest?
  17. just-

    Count post no!

    good move cable but in the end guys why do post count you look at some one nick and i see ho yeah i have seen this guy here and there giving this and that opinion sure you look at the number but when i see a big number and i go hummmm not seen this guy before well tell me a lot about that user what counts in the end is not the number no matter if its a lot or not what count to me is if i seen quality posts from that guy or not but i admit some people just relly on post numbers well probably they dont have much to do in life
  18. still not the real 10 mb hehe
  19. check the news section soon for something about xbox !!
  20. lol i think its to much time in our hands thats what i think
  21. maybe 3686 3.5Mb ?? that particular post is from 12 May 2005 Download 10559 12160 kB 1881662996036 aol.com GYZR9S0OX aol yes it is 10mb but aol has 10mb package or is that pached i think its cacheddd!!
  22. still good wish i had that hehe
  23. just-

    advice me

    well when i check ur speed tests i see some speeds from a host in-addr.arpa which is quiet curious never heard of it nor can i find anything about it in google and also direcpceu.com which is directway thats all sorry i dont know any isp in Baghdad
  24. Ntl 2Mb plan :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1920 Kbps about 1.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 234 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Fri May 13 2005 11:31:31 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 34X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.38 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 65.8 % faster than the average for host (ntl.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IZDFV3T0X :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1921 Kbps about 1.9 Mbps (tested with 5248 kB) Download Speed is:: 235 kB/s Tested From:: http://hem.bredband.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 34X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.36 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 65.89 % faster than the average for host (ntl.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-79RPAIZEX :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 184 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 22 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Fri May 13 2005 11:34:44 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 46.55 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 47.2 % faster than the average for host (ntl.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-S8YCMOUEA It doesnt get any better then this for me Post your speeds if you are in the UK !!!
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