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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. Best Buy over Circuit City anytime but neither one for service' i I have taken mu computer so many times in 3 years and guess what? They couldn't find the problem' I had to learn on my own and of course getting lots of help on forums like this' i can't believe i even paid them $35 to the Moron Squad to pop in an additional 512 MB of Ram well that was when i was a newbie with computers' i might not be an expert now but i keep my computer running with optimum performance thanks to you guys on this great site.........
  2. Looks down and eyes pop out!!
  3. Just a bit of Ram gain in the last few minutes'
  4. Total Time Spent Online: 7 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes. Total Posts: 812 posts Total Topics Started: 33 topics Number of Polls Created: 6 polls Number of Votes Cast: 41 votes
  5. im still using it and it is still doing wonders
  6. What Kobe did was amazing regardless of how good or bad Toronto is' I wonder who actually is the greatest player that has ever played the game? MJ comes to mind but is he really? I'm a huge fan of Mike but there are other great player with far more championships than MJ.... there should be another topic made to debate on who is the greatest player ever'
  7. I Wont dare using anything else other than Kaspersky Personal Pro 5.0 "Nuff said"
  8. not the IE vs FF battle again!!
  9. Mine sucks!!!
  10. Total Time Spent Online: 7 days, 11 hours and 8 minutes. Total Posts: 805 posts Total Topics Started: 33 topics Number of Polls Created: 6 polls Number of Votes Cast:
  11. a new thread with the same name' http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8649.0
  12. I see there's a new thread with the same name' hmnnnnn
  13. Another happy Kaspersky user' Welcome to the club!!
  14. actually i had the Vista beta 1 OS and its nice and all you want to call it but its not good for everyday use'
  15. You are welcome Ryan!! I love that theme and if any of you wants that look for your computer/s make it look VISTA' Thats right'' as you can see on my screenshot a few posts below i have most everything i want' but im still looking for more and more themes so i can change it and not get bord of the same theme'
  16. April 15, 2005, 05:13:25 PM
  17. TOO MANY FAVORITES' Deniro, Pacino, Cruise, D Washington, Williams, Dreyfuss, Shatner, Patrick Stewart, W Smith, S L Jackson',..............
  19. Here is the link!! http://en.crystalxp.net/ this is what i been using n i luv it!!! heres a sample
  20. Keep away from NORTON or Mc Afee Stick to Kaspersky or AVG Free if ur broke and can't afford KAV
  21. another IE vs FF conflict' lol'
  22. I haven't been on testmy that much since i made this thread and i guess i missed that stupid thread joke' Well i dont think is stupid at all' sure its off topic and i know it will be moved but to me its just something else to discuss' other than computer related or internet speeds. 'lol'
  23. Ladies and Gentlemen' Get your check books ready and your credit/debit cards ready' the Christmas season just started at 5.am when people where in line at the malls for the Day After Thanksgiving Sale Its just the biggest sale of the year.........
  24. ha ha ha!! i hardly open e-mails from friends' when they tell me they sent me an e-mail i feel bad cause its been weeks since they did and never checked' much less would i open an FBI or you won a price or i have a surprise for you e-mail' Common sense' you will never win anything on the net and ur surprise will get ur computer fried and if the FBI sent u a e-mail they would be at ur place before you open it.........
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