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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. go to your money friendly RADIOSHACK and ask them all about it' edit. here try this link for reference......... http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/productDetailReview.do?
  2. for best results use one two way splitter to start with as the main... first split from the main should be a dedicated line for the modem (computer 1) and the second split for all tv's if you use the splitter that is feeding your tv's for a second modem your signal will be very weak and like richcornucopia mentioned you will need a signal booster...
  3. someone has too much time in his/her hands....... funny' :haha:
  4. yes Norton is very easy to uninstall but at times its hard..... now go check your registry and tell me if Noton is gone? you will be saying to yourself " i thought t was gone' "
  5. Decade Do yourself a favor and get rid of NORTON immediately......i had it before and it was hell' Cholla I Tried the test and i have satisfactory result... btw im using Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.5 Firewall.
  6. I Can't imagine how cold that must be...... its 54
  7. HAPPY B-DAY /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  8. like i always say!! its a choice that some choose to make!!!
  9. yeah i know cuz i know that almost everyone that hates IE is still using Microsoft Windows OS' and not other OS's
  10. happy b-day!!! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  11. i had a friend that had it and it was ok with it because she didn't have a computer and as an alternative web tv was a choice she could live with...... but did complain of the slow speeds and the limited web surfing options...
  12. thats why i don't care when i hear people download windows os from p2p or torrents!!!
  13. Thanx!! im using the SMF default theme and its easy on my eyes' i like the wide new look to it!! Thanx n keep up the great work!!!
  14. This is so cool' we actually have a choice to pick a layout' but im sticking to the previous layout as it is easier on my eyes' i love the new layout but its hard on my blinding eyes!! Great job!!
  15. I Don't know how he was able to hold on like SpiderMan dressed in his birth suit in public..... here's a closer look!!
  16. lmao @ underground rebel FF users that hate IE Its just net browsing with whatever browser' IE, FF, OPERA they are just a matter of personal choice' which is better? I care enough to say WHO CARES'
  17. I Tried both IE and FF and both give me the same speeds' Im stickin to IE
  18. All i can say is that just when you believe you are well protected' Think again' You most likely have infections you might not even think you have' plus its a resource HOG'
  19. the best way to completely be NORTON free is to NEVER install it.......
  20. congratulations' whoa!! you almost have as many posts as ca3le does' ur an addict pitbull' no doubt about it.
  21. stop the madness we all know that theres more FF users on testmy than IE users' lol'
  22. Yeah Kaspersky is the bomb!!! all other software users are
  23. When it comes to AV software' Kaspersky Personal Pro 5.0 is the best..................
  24. IE is the best to IE users and FIREFOX is best for FF users'
  25. The funny or sad part is that people actually believe all that nonsense from the Geek Squad and pay for things they don't need'
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