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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. *looks down below and :haha: *
  2. the only snow i see in beautiful weather Southern California is on the local mountains (Mt. Baldy) when i visit them 3 miles away from where i live'
  3. 'LMAO' @ e-Gansta's
  5. You have just won a big prize!!! click here to get your computer destroyed!!
  6. Have a great Thanksgiving Day Everyone .
  7. just bringing this thread to the top!!
  8. thats true' im happy with my computer the way it is and im using a 3 year old computer!!
  9. im a videographer and i use them all the time' i buy 10 8.5 GB DVD+R Double Layer dics for $29.99 on sale and $34.99 regular price' i can fit upto four hours of high quality video with no quaity loss'
  10. I had a different name when i first signed in but some felt it was offensive and i was given this one by the boss' (RayRay909} Im a junior but i hate the word on me so i just doubled the name and i just get called RayRay instead of junior' the 909 is my area code......
  11. I should be really worried if i were you by using Norton' Norton finds 1 virus out of 4 in your computer' I HAVE A GOOD FEELING THIS THREAD IS GOING TO BE LOCKED SOON'
  12. Limewire gave you that like it did to me' I had AVG Pro and i still got infected' if you or even me would of had Kaspersky personal pro 5.0 i would't have gotten infected' and neither would you......check out my stuff from a few months back'
  13. man' that brought good menories of Nintendo when i was younger' oh that guy was so OWNED
  14. I read the report and the top rated software' but they are quoting Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0 not Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro 5.0 Thanx but im happy with KAV
  15. Another happy Free Ram XP Pro' customer'
  16. why is it so wrong tweaking your own computer? tweak/hack etc.............
  17. I dont see nothing wrong with the term HACK aslong as we are not speaking of HACKING someone else's computer is all good.....
  18. Perhaps Netmasta should have used the term tweak to avoid confusion but "HACK" is a correct term to describe what he was commenting about my tweak........
  19. To interact with a computer in a playful and exploratory rather than goal-directed way.
  20. Looks down and scratches head thinking' ( what is he talking about? )
  21. You are right' but i rather have those heavy to load programs load faster' once i click on anything it loads super fast..
  22. why didn't i think of that? lol'
  23. Anyone else wants to post their Task Manager?
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