Well its a different type of site but theres always about 2000 members online during the day and about 500 or lless at night.... i wouldn't know about guests but i'll spread the word' im sure the MODS here will handle anyone that causes drama'
I could tell others about this site from the other site im hooked on but the forums on that site is full of people that hate and love to cause drama....... I wouldn't want to bring people who might ruin these great forums'
I just wanna be sure before i do it' so im asking anyone who has done it already on which search bar do i add this javascript:void(window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all') on the one on the right or top left' and do i press go on the search bar or next on EXPRESS or Custom? Thanx'
Windows Vista Beta is out the door..... I had it for one day and it looks great, i will get it as soon as the original version comes out next year' but for now i rather have a normal OS. If anyone is going to install it be sure to back up ur drive with GHOST 2003 as i did and restore your computer if you need to go back to XP.
I couldn't install KAV Pro 5.0 and when i installed KIS Beta it slow down everything'it used to take no more than 3 hours per computer scan now its taking forever.... but i don't care its a good AV program... BTW my ani-hacker does not work...