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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. You can reformat anytime you want if you have a back up of your system partition. I recommend that you install the OS and modify your computer to your satisfaction and when you think you have all you need installed back up your system drive and no matter what happens you can always restore your computer to how you backed it up.
  2. This is the new update that just popped up.
  3. The answer your questions is in the link below. http://www.slysoft.com/en/clonedvd.html But from a video file you will need to edit the video manually and then burn with Nero or compatible software.
  4. Thats right!! I misunderstood.......
  5. Easy question to answer.... Have you ever heard of someone's favorite stash of home made porn found by a relative? well thats what i believe he is trying to protect...
  6. :haha: :haha:
  7. Here are some specs......... "The International CXT is a truck for businesses that want to promote themselves as much as perform," said Rob Swim, director, vehicle center marketing strategy, International Truck and Engine Corporation. "While there is nothing tougher or more extreme on the market than the International CXT, it is as much a statement of success as it is performance. If you brought this truck to the playground, you'd be king of the dirt pile." In terms of performance, the International CXT features the International® DT 466 diesel engine with a horsepower rating of 220 hp and 540 lb.-ft. of torque capable of hauling or towing pretty much anything you can put into or behind it. Other horsepower ratings are also available. With an electronically controlled turbocharger and four valves per cylinder, the engine delivers responsiveness, acceleration, outstanding fuel efficiency, extended serviceability and long-term durability. Additionally, despite the tough appearance Body Type: 8-Foot Dualie Pickup Bed Dimensions Overall Length: 258
  8. I Would feel safer if involved in an accident with an SUV
  9. I Only have 52. I know im missing a few
  10. It will do it for you but its best if you choose the best fit for your video... when i make DVD's im working with a 35GB Video file and it has to be encoded and compressed to a 4.7GB DVD-5 or an 8.4GB Disc (DVD-9 with a 4.7GB disc you will have to take it to these settings Sample format: Automatic Audio format: Automatic Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass) Number of titles: 1 1. VTS_01.0001 (Video Title, 2h 47m 25s, 19 chapters) Video mode: NTSC Aspect ratio: 4:3 Quality: Custom (3350 kbps) ( NOTE: This setting will give you very good quality" Its coming from a 6.5 GB video file' ) Resolution: 720 x 480 (CCIR-601 D1) Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 % Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 % Number of menus: 1 - Menu for VTS_01.0001 (5 pages)
  12. You should have no problem burning by using Nero... Honestly i have not tried any other software to burn, i been using Nero for about a year' There are more choices out in the market but i recommend Nero.... I Do use Vegas 6 and Adobe Premiere for my work and Nero for making less complicated movies such as home videos or movie files....
  13. Happy Easter. God Bless all of us............
  14. Thank you I'll keep that in mind... I Appreciate the links.... Thank you.
  15. Nice try but no Cigar...............
  16. I concur......
  17. I tried those two before but not as great as clonedvd2 and anydvd as any dvd is always updated and simply is the best decrypter ion the market today' You can burn it with Nero. But you have to go through a few processes and finally encoding the file to burn it into a dvd...Nero will do that for you after you edit the video. what format is your video? avi, mpg, mpeg ?
  18. Responding on topic.. I Just watched the whole video Loose Change 2nd Edition and since i don't want to go back and read all the posts to find out what people think of it' can someone share their opinion on how real is it or if its just another Fahrenheit 9/11 Thanx......
  19. I Picked the Jet to win and sure thing it blasted the competition.... What a race.!!
  20. I Hate to be you.... I had a similar problem with my old camcoder' It spent more time on the shop than with me taping precious moments of the family' Until i made them replace it as it was policy that after 3 repairs within one year they would replace it and they did.... But your TV seams to like the shop and im sorry for you cause its not going to stop.... They made you feel better cause they are not charging you but lets hope that they fix it cause it seems that your TV has bad luck or simply they are just bad techs as the geek squad techs...
  21. ? how do i fit a 4.30GB of movie into 4.7 GB Disk. A Depends on the type of DVD you are trying to back up. If its a home video all you need is Nero or similar software with a DVD Burner and make an exact duplicate of it... ? if i have to shrink the size of disk, does that mean i will lose quality or will the movie remain same quailty. A If you shrink the movie it depends on the length of the movie ? whats the best software to use to do this AND whats the largest size of data that u can actually shrink to fit onto a 4.7GB dvd. A If its a Hollywood Protected DVD you willl need to buy clonedvd2 and anydvd or similar product... clonedvd2 will shrink and burn the movie for you while anydvd will decrypt the protected DVD (which by the way its illegal but thats your choice) But you can actually fit a dual layer movie of about 7 to 8GB's into a 4.7 GB Disc and you will lose some quality as you will need to compress about 50% of the movie to make it fit... Now there's a choice if you buy Dual Layer blank media DVD-9 Which actually is about 8.4GB's there would be no compression and the dics could be copied without any loss of quality. The same goes for an exact copy of a 4.7GB movie to a 4.7GB blank disc' There will be no loss of quality. also is it it possible to play PC Games that are on DVD media. and can i transfer CD games onto DVD and play them off that. A I don't know about this one..... LAST THING - if i have a movie that is 8GB and i don't want to shrink it, how can i half the movie and set it onto another disk so that it becomes DISK 1 AND 2. AAs i said above buy dual layer blaank discs aslong as you have a Dual Layer burner' Otherwise you are out of luck and you will have to buy software that is capable of burning and splitting your movie into two...
  22. I Would rather go to BestBuy and ask a Geek Squad member to help me pick a good computer for that price..... Well if i didn't know better.
  23. Thanks for the video clip' Thats my favorite version of any Jesus movie TV or Cinema I see it about 3 or 4 times during the 40 day Vigil starting on Ash Wednesday and culminating on Easter day The day of resurrection... God Bless' Finally the true meaning of the commercialized version of easter..... Thanks
  24. Thanks for helping me clear this question out of my mind..... Happy Easter' God Bless you and may he bless all of us.....
  25. Im sure im not the only one that feels the same way about testmy and the ha ha they got caught pirating "GeekSquad.....
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