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Everything posted by 6arett

  1. Everythings going to be fucked up!
  2. Hmm besides the COMPUTERS, how is everyone going to react to it?
  3. Lol a neigbor came over who has DWay thinking he's smarter than us (we have dsl) used to sware up and down how great it was now theirs thunderstorms over us right now and hes bitchin cuase he dosent have a signal (or very little) haha wow. funny stuff
  4. Yep, if the download takes up all the 3mbs (366.21 kB/s) that will happen to you
  5. Uh. dude your ping going to 150+ is becuase your internet max's out. Static IPs or Dynamic wont make a diffrence their..
  6. After the 4-8 months with Verizon the price goes up to $47.99? wow....vierzon seriously is a rip off 50 bucks for 1.5 thats rediculus you can get Comcast cable for $52 and have 6/400 (atleast my neiGBor nextdoor)
  7. With my router I just set it up so it grabs the same IP everytime. Most of the time it works....sometimes it dose`nt.
  8. Maybe your router can only support 3 wireless?
  9. Im the only one in my neigborhood with 1.5/385
  10. Ping is a little high.
  11. I said reconnect, not disconnect lol. Tell me about to many neigbors with Wireless their also pretty illiterate when it comes to it, they have open networks and i find whenever my cell phone is around like sitting next to the usb wireless thing i loose it more often like i just did a few mins ago...
  12. Wireless in genral is flakey for me atleast. Im lucky if I get 1 day out of my connection, my computers on 24/7 (sometimes using wireless) and when I do im able to stay connected 12-16 hours and than it reconnects without notice.
  13. They gave me some bullshit about needing a Hologram CD (wich I dont have) so I think I might just barrow a friends hologram CD or buy it again. Havent made my mind up yet.
  14. Yeah that theme is shuhhweeeet
  15. Gotcha.
  16. I have 768 tommarow my order should come in so i'll have 1GB and if you wanted to know what type of RAM you should get for your computer, use this http://www.crucial.com/systemscanner/
  17. How are you able to test how fast your connection is between to LAN PCs? I've always wanted to see the speed
  18. Yeah I got that lol...its an orange sticker but I think I got everything taken care of by this weekend
  19. Sorry, I ment Orang with a key like (for your car) on it
  20. I had the CD for about 6 months without being used Intill I bulit this computer (3 years ago) and installed it myself came in a package with a windows ginuine cd and yellow product key on the back, i dont think everyone would get that....would theyt?
  21. Mine.. Edit by netmasta: I resized the pic for you.
  22. Well you arnt on AIM or else I would IM you Its a cd key changer?
  23. I dont know how to change my CD Key though....heh and i can dl a xp off microsofts website?
  24. Wait... I have my product key, I do NOT have a Windows XP Professional CD So they would send me a WinXP CD you think?
  25. Ya I have my Origianl product key and im just wondering if they'll kindly give me a WinXP Pro to format my hard drive...since this is a pirated verision of windows xp i take it..
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