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Everything posted by 6arett

  1. Hey people I am geting FiOS 15/2 on the 23rd of September, can one of you with 15/2 do a tracert to google? myspace? microsoft.com? thanks
  2. How do you test how fast your Network or LAN is?
  3. Just avalibale 9-13-05 Going to be installed 9-23-05
  4. IE7 works well.
  5. Still not going to beat this Last Result: Download Speed: 14940 kbps (1867.5 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 1774 kbps (221.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
  6. Freshmen year my Computer Careere teacher said our school had T1.....really shitty T1 130 kb/s down, 200 kb/s up
  7. Or ping a good website (Google)
  8. 6arett


    And now theirs a fire down their (In New Orleans)
  9. like I said before at 3.05 it cost $100 to fill up truck. now with Katrinia it will probably cost $130-140
  10. If their are any Linux users using FC4 here, Do any of you know how to get out of X server to install nvidia graphics drivers and acctuly get a logon? I did Crtl+Alt+backspace, loged in as root, then did telinit 3 and it gives me a screen saying 2 things started but it just hangs their....not able to do commands or anything thanks anyone
  11. I like AIM
  12. EDIT: I didnt read your post correctly, sorry about that lol Field Value Sensor Properties Sensor Type Winbond W83697HF (ISA 290h) Temperatures Motherboard 40
  13. Yeh I live in So-Cal and no one bothers to run the A/C around here so occasionaly it gets pretty hot in my room if I dont do anything about it.
  14. Damn I wonder what the Tempature of everything is when my room is 85+ degres ferinhight and its only like 78 in my room right now..
  15. So if I have this desk with the computer sitting on the right side of it and the side pannle has a fan on it (custom built computer) it wont need that fan? just a little air to get into their?
  16. AMD
  17. Field Value Motherboard 39
  18. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 392 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 48 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Aug 21 2005 09:57:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 21.33 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 63.84 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0SVFNLB5Z
  19. looks like theyve got you on the 1.5 plan and forgot to add upload lol
  20. How many tabs can you have open at once....damn I couldent even read what the tabs say!
  21. My school claims to have a .5 GB Lines. (Shared with over 200 Computers) Yet....the speeds are horibal at like 300 kB/s down and 400 kB/s up
  22. and its slow when you download becuase they are limiting your dl speed. (what my school does, so the nerdy kids/teachers/staff) dont take all the bw.
  23. My school had T1, It's horiabal last year I checked it and it was 300 kB/s down and 500kB/s up or somthin like that.. with prolly 200ish computers connected to it... ill have to test it whenever i can get in the cmoputer lab with a class or somthing
  24. 6arett


    bulldogdsl.com is a real dsl company in the UK though....
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