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Everything posted by 6arett

  1. Well if you havent saw the Specs needed for Vista. It needs 2GB Ram, a lot more...Over 1G
  2. See if it has 10 mpbs for another computer.
  3. Has anyone seen the full 2000kbps up yet? I've only saw 1800ish..
  4. ROM-DOS, You're saying anytime you wanted you could test your line and you'd have what you've claimed your avarage to be?
  5. Why did they keep the upload the same? I mean....a 6mb connection with 384 upload....
  6. Dude its testmy.net broadband commuinity not dial-up community.
  7. thanks
  8. Speaking of T3, What are the speeds of T3? They are symetrical right?
  9. Total Time Spent Online: 1 days, 1 hours and 2 minutes. Total Posts: 212 posts Total Topics Started: 11 topics Number of Polls Created: 0 polls Number of Votes Cast: 7 votes
  10. G stands for Gigabite?
  11. What program are they using for that Statistics page?
  12. Looks like they only haev one plan... http://www.suscom.com/home/sites/data_cablemodem.php?city=york
  13. FiOS is making that step.
  14. Why do you gota hide the names?
  15. what i get Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Documents and SettingsGarett Miller>tracert hem.bredband.net Tracing route to hem.bredband.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 27 ms 27 ms 28 ms L100.DSL-31.LSANCA.verizon-gni.net [ ] 3 28 ms 28 ms 27 ms P5-2.LCR-04.LSANCA.verizon-gni.net [ ] 4 70 ms 30 ms 29 ms so-7-1-0-0.BB-RTR2.LAX01.verizon-gni.net [130.81 .17.147] 5 31 ms 30 ms 30 ms so-2-2-0-0.gar2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [4.78.202 .41] 6 30 ms 31 ms 31 ms ae-1-52.bbr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [ ] 7 40 ms 39 ms 39 ms ae-0-0.bbr1.SanJose1.Level3.net [] 8 42 ms 42 ms 41 ms so-6-0-0.edge1.SanJose1.Level3.net [ 8] 9 42 ms 43 ms 43 ms globalcrossing-level3-oc48.SanJose1.Level3.net [] 10 210 ms 210 ms 210 ms so6-0-0-2488M.ar1.ARN1.gblx.net [] 11 212 ms 211 ms 211 ms 12 211 ms 211 ms 211 ms pos2-0.cr1.sto1.se.bredband.com [] 13 210 ms 210 ms 209 ms pos13-0.cr2.sto2.se.bredband.com [ ] 14 211 ms 211 ms 211 ms ge1-1.dr4.sto2.se.bredband.com [] 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 *
  16. 4 megs is still fast! But not as fast as 15/2 lol
  17. Currently have 1.5/390 Verizon DSL, As of Tuseday (Oct. 4th) I will have 15/2 Verizon FiOS. :flipa:
  18. Whenever I am board, usualy every month
  19. If FiOS is avalable in your area you should look into that....15/2 is only 40 somthin a month...and gets 1-20 ms on any west server.
  20. LOL Education: Harvard University, Drop Out for bill gates..
  21. 6arett


    So on 9/26/05 People came and ran the Fiber to my house! Now next Tuseday the 4th of October, I SHOULD have FiOS if nothing else comes up now....best of luck
  22. So thats more like maybe a 768 kb upload pipe. I dont think theirs any service that can let you upload consistent 45 kbs with an advertised speed of 384...And Verizon FiOS can do that for you, with a nice 200+ kb upload speed
  23. 6arett


    Im in California, Murrieta area it's all taken care of, i'm more mad at the fact I don't have my fios and we had to wait around for 2 hours... And what makes me more mader, is the fact that they did it to my next door neigbors house 2 days ago...and humm they wouldent think to do it to my house to? if my install is on the scedual and all..
  24. 6arett


    Well from the looks of my neigborhood, their going to need to do it to a lot of houses (almost everyone) Becuase I guess the Contractors who laid the Fiber forgot to run the lines to houses...
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