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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by bigw

  1. My cpu is at 90 F and the rest of the machine is at 95 F!!!??? Good fan on the p4
  2. Blame Canada!!!! I will still be using my pc to play games!!!
  3. On broadband speed test i have had consistently 1865kb/s but on test my net i have been averaging .6mb to 1mb/s any ideas guys?
  4. sulfuric acid-nitric acid-glycerin= nitroglycerin that will take care of it!!!!!!!!
  5. well...... i am here but i am all by myself
  6. i have never done a screen shot soooo.............. mine is 98mp/s total score of 1080
  7. Thank you it is non-ecc! would any non-ecc work with it so long as it is the same mb?
  8. Give it to my kids for a day and see what would happen!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. would the only way to see what kind it is would be to pull them then?
  10. Does it have to have all ecc or non-ecc or could i mix them up? money is not the issue !!!!! It is if it will work or not!!!
  11. Hey guys this might be dumb but what is the difference between ecc and non-ecc rambus ram? I want to buy some but need to know what to buy!!
  12. I would use a torch and a welder, see how much currant it takes before it is all liquid
  13. my two year old computer is running: intel p4 2.4Ghz 512mb rambus ram nvidia video card Want to put more ram in but it is to expensive
  14. I want free cable!!!!!!!
  15. I feel much better knowing that it was staged, other wise that guy should have been drug into the street and shot.
  16. are you running any fire walls and or antispy ware programs? How about the speed of you machine it self? is it running just as fast? My mother had a similar problem and she had so much spyware on it it would hardly run not to mention her memory was loose. Those are my ideas good luck
  17. What about my wall clock and my wrist watch? My microwave going to melt down too?? Burn them all!!!!!!!! why worry about any of that so long as I can still play wolf!!!
  18. That would be realy cool....... My wife and kids could down load all sorts of spyware and adware all day long then go vikings
  19. I have dsl and it is working fine but........... The phone is dead. When i call it i get a busy signal. I have call waiting so that should rarely happen. Does anyone know what the voltages should be in the line coming into the house? Thanks for the help
  20. Well.... I have never built my own either. My father built all of mine. Now that he is gone i will have to build my own..... It almost seems cheaper to buy them. I did have one of the old TI's with the tape player hard drive. Spent many hours programing. Sad thing is got into high school and the ti-85 i used was the same thing basically.
  21. Oh yea I've got to go we have a doosey going on right now!!!
  22. Just wanted to know what you guys think about electronics in general during thunder storms. Leave them on and not worry, turn them off, turn them off and unplug or what.
  23. bigw

    Wife downloading music

    i would like to have them all on one program if possible
  24. bigw

    Wife downloading music

    some on windows and some off of i tunes
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