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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. ya you can shut off your mod chip but they look at outher stuff on live
  2. I think its up to 3.0/and up to 786
  3. turn off your moden for a min and turn it back on test back if still same get cablenut
  4. y comcast is good besides the ping times and the fluch
  5. what kind of online games?
  6. OPERA is good if you want a suit but why do that when mozilla has a suit
  7. wasent avant a ad on for ie
  8. one reason ps3 will rock is there is a rumor from Sony that them and apple will come out with a OS for it
  9. that a good Q that I cant anser sorry
  10. if you have a back up then you safe
  11. ok ok the xbox will not suck, it will not be as good as the the ps3 one Q are you going to buy a xbox 360 or ps3 or revo me all three so I can say i have all three
  12. hay its just my oppion
  13. how do you know i havent tryed both out yet :whaa: or the revo
  14. man $1,100 is no deal for a system and 4 games, ps3 will xbox 360 A$$ all day long (and all night )
  15. XBOOX 360 will suck it willl not back compatible and you have to buy the hdd and it will only be 20 gigs
  16. that sucks :icon_pale: on psp and get that speed
  17. here is the speed on my psp connetion is 140 kbps download is 17 KB/s takes to long to type on psps and small screen so here is some basic info
  18. sad part win xp does that by it self just bridge the two connetions
  19. my sound is only coming from one speaker it starded last night and i just updated my sound card's driver and it still happens can someone help
  20. it mite be your video card
  21. fattymcbluff


    if you change it with cablenut or drtcp they will change the values so just use one
  22. no you need to get a game called wipeout and then set a new dns web adress
  23. better up then most people on dway :haha: :haha: dway sucks sorry for all the people who have it the worst $600 I'll never spend and on just install
  24. i think the best live cd is knoppix and over all linux is cool i have 7 live based on some of the major ones
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