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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. the best all in one
  2. the time when I an happy I live 5 min away from the ocean and its about 75 all year
  3. got mine form the TV show Doug the rich girl on the TV shows name was Bebe mcbluff and her dads name was fattyes mcbluff
  4. I have your mom in my bed... ...virtually
  5. yes it is you just get 10 hours a month
  6. not cool
  7. fattymcbluff


  8. I need a Video Converter that is free one that lets me convert a wide range of formats to a wide range of formats
  9. nice speeds pit wish i had that
  10. could be the same accelerator that dway uses
  11. testmy.net We do have a fast server - testmy.net currently employees 2 servers both are Dual 2.8GHz Xeon, 2 GB DDR RAM, Rehat Enterprise Linux, MySQL server, Apache Webserver, PHP, 100 Mbps uplink to a 16 Gbps Direct Fiber network. testmy.net knows what kind of server is needed to get correct test scores to all users regardless of time of day and server load. (also see Net
  12. lightspeed baby, sbc answer to FIOS no right now thouse are the speeds I belive
  13. man when i tryed to upgrade to the pro they said our line cant handle it and so we hade a tech come out and he tested our line and he said we could handle the 6.0 plan good services bad people providing it, bad boys they all go to jail.
  14. no just van
  15. open this open the .pls with itunes
  16. ha your the one in the middle
  17. i dont care ill marry him van will you marry me we make hot sticky fish bow sou
  18. hay van need a new room mate :lol: please
  19. ha I win <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_cg.php?im"> <img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/ft/cg.php?val=7836" alt="My computer geek score is greater than 97% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!"> </a>
  20. you will die you god damn cache's
  21. if the sticker says 2.4 or 2400+ then it is at the speed it is built to be at i have an amd athlon xp 2400+ and it speed is 1995-2000
  22. i have a router but i cant forward ports
  23. ok i think i got it tell me if its working
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