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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. i would say buy a new card for cheap Im mean i have a old TNT2 that i would send you but the heat sink fell off and all out of black&red siclone and i cant find it and i runs all HL1 mods on my comp also play more then every thing will be chached and will load faster most of the time its b/c of server time out P.S i sent you one
  2. ya what is the email? 6 left
  3. 30gigs.com is better (if you want an invite just ask)
  4. ok i cant use the ethernet i unplug the usb and restart the modem still cant use ethernet,there is no option in the bios and on the divice manger the nic card is fine no ? mark and when i plug in the ethernet cord i still says that a network cord is unpluged
  5. ok i did that and now i cant even connect with the usb
  6. didn't work evan when conected with usb had to chang comp must smash modem
  7. the fag that installed this modem put it on usb and i want is on ethernet its a rca DCM425 but when i plug in with ethernet it wont go do i need to uninstall the drivers? if not what ?
  8. i also have a 80 gig that is my media drive but no tuner card could you name a good cheep one that i could pic up at frys
  9. i have xp home but i have the install disks of media center in my room and i was wornding if its worth it, i have a old 10 gig hd to put it on just wornding if i should install it
  10. no RAID 5 config so a lot less
  11. i rember when we had this dis about 8000 members
  12. lol i laugh at that,I had a lan party last night, stole like 15 gig from people
  13. yes today was the last day for 2 weeks for me and to top it off i have a lan party to go to but the weird thing is guess what? IT'S AT SCHOOL
  14. a cd drive,floppy and a hdd thats all
  15. ok I'm going to put this hdd i bought a few months a go its a Seagate barracuda 7200 80gigs and just wornding if i should just put it on slave or cable seclet and what should i use to format it
  16. windoes just blocks out going and all yuo need is one (i think )
  17. 3 days 13 hours 54 min
  18. dude plez dont post stuff like this,uncapping is bad and it dont matter how much yuo do it
  19. to bad the ipod only supports three video formats .mp4 and H.264 amd .mov and the only good good one is H.264 and you need quicktime pro 7 to convert to that format ya but i'm also geting the 30 gig video Video support H.264 video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per sec., Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480, 30 frames per sec., Simple Profile with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats
  20. your right there 768 kbps is 93.75 kB/s so you get more
  21. how far will they go <a href="http://www.theonion.com/content/node/43029">read hear</a>
  22. wow you guys dont sleep a long time just last night i selp for 16 hours ex pit and it was some good sleep-
  23. wow you have a some good speeds and ping's lucky
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