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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. fattymcbluff


    it mite be the tracker some trackers suck some dont like bitcomet mabe try a diffrent client
  2. thats funny this says diffrent Name: tommie gorman Posts: 216 (1.161 per day) Position: Almost famous! Date Registered: August 21, 2005, 02:03:57 PM Last Active: Today at 10:07:02 PM
  3. ya ya 4 days 23 hours and 46 min out of the after the 9 months of comeing here
  4. if your comp can handle it i would recomand azureus my fav plugin is upnp then you dont have to worry about the port forwording you can get it hear http://azureus.sourceforge.net/
  5. hes on the 20/20 surewest fiber how lucky he is
  6. if you need soft ware here it is http://www.pspvideo9.com/
  7. did he put the psp in usb mode?
  8. ok you ask vary weird q's you know that and no i dont, only pants cuz they fit better for me cuz like i said im really skinny 6 foot 136 lb
  9. then i wouldent try it cuz name brand comps dont like to be flashed but if you really want to try look in the bios and see if there is a update utilty if not go to the mobo's website dl the update utilty put it on a floppy and also put the .bin file on it and boot to the floppy but i wouldent flash name brand comps if i where you you'll probly cruppet the bios and the mobo will be no good better explaned>>>>>>http://www.tyan.com/support/html/how_to_flash.html
  10. well is it a name brand comp of a custom built?
  11. same here
  12. not really cuz im really skinny 6 foot 136 lb
  13. well if you wish to know rite im wareing her old jeans that dont fit her
  14. ok i dont like to dress out of pe so i have to ware jeans that let me do all the phiscle stuff at the ymca (my school vary small have to go to the ymca for pe)
  15. hey i only ware girl pants cuz they fit better i hate wareing pants that are so baggy that you have to keep pulling them up from, Mr.Oysterhead
  16. my phone
  17. ok i just got a new comp on sunday long story ... i install steam and updated cs:s and now when i go to brouse the servers i have to qait likw 5 min for 37 servers and the pings are like in the 1000ms i think it mite be nortan internet scurity but its now running and i cant uninstall it when i try the uninstaller frezes and its lame juat want to play cs:s oh and when i do play in the games i have a ping of like 30-80 avarge
  18. well if you cant fix it can you send me your 6800 i need a new card 200 xpress just anit cuting it
  19. i think its the amd cool and quit tech but i dont know if mine has that and its a 3500+ but oh well
  20. my comp has been slowing down and i really don't want to reformat does some one have a program that will help speed up my comp or eney suggestions to help speed it up
  21. mea mines not till may 10
  22. dl the new ipod update and update your ipod should fix it if not then restart your ipod with it i luv me ipod nano bput linux on it and i now have a nano video
  23. what kind is it if its a seagate then use the program off there website or go to contral panial and go add new hardware and it will find it and install it
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