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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. ya it does install all that stuff but you can just uninstall it after and its all good
  2. for wallpapers i use http://www.deviantart.com/ just a cool site
  3. ya here it is but you need stylexp (if you need stylexp aim me at fattymcbluff69 or yahoo @ fatty_mcbluff_36) http://www.themexp.org/preview.php?mid=136731&type=vs&view=date&page=&cat=&name=Eyeball+XP+v2+-+Kevlared+Blue.zip
  4. OMG!!!!!! allmost 25000 members i rember when there was only 8000 my god, thouse where the days
  5. ya i also like this one kinda the same but diffrent
  6. dl avg free no slowdowns and a great program and free http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1
  7. i have used that program i would get it if i where you vary easy to use you can make partions and delete them vary easy vary nice program
  8. i use stylexp and no slowdowns just set it to use no rescores and there you go
  9. but then its not a full format justa a low level format wich like some one said a zerowing wich just puts a 0 in front of every line so you computer will think its blank and write over it
  10. sweet a duo hey i wonder if Intel ever fixed that power conspution bug
  11. if i where you i would get this mobo and proc combo you can buy the rest pretty cheap http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1901384&CatId=1619
  12. for the price thats ok but if you where me spend like $550-600 and get a 939 proc and a mobo with pcie x16 you just cant beat the 939 prossers
  13. werid thous links dont work for me
  14. no a hawking hwr54g
  15. yep thats what i get for buying a samsung hdd
  16. i have both SATA II and IDE in my comp right now and the sata kick's the ide but the sata is the loaudest thing you ever herd I'm mean its loaudest thing im my comp refreb'sor ok i have one and have been useing it for about a year and no probs so far and only payd 40 bucks for it its a seagate baricuda 7200 80 gig
  17. not much better then mine :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 333 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 41 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/04 - 10:01pm Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 24.98 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 28.08 % faster than the average for host (pacbell.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2U7DAR6B5
  18. i just got a new comp but it has a oem mobo so i cant do crap with it and my freind is willing to sell me a 939 nForce4 mobo for 60 bucks just wornding if i should buy it off him
  19. it really depends on what your going to do with it if just surfing then your fine but if your like me and dl with bt 24/7 and would still like to have some bandwidth left then go with the 15/2 plan wish i had fios
  20. what codec does it use cuz i host a teamspeak server and the voice is ok
  21. well your right on you cap if you have a wireless phone near the the router or the computer try moving it if not try boosting the signlein the router config page
  22. i hate how schools do that, at the computer club at my school we where haveing fun with backtrack and a prisms2 wifi card during a lan party and broke the wep key on the schools wifi just goes to show you how a couple of 14-17 kids can do with some spare time
  23. no its not tell use your price range and we will find you a good one
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