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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. yep 10:15,I want that watch oh my sad part if i got that watch i still wouldent be the biggest geek in my school
  2. your right on with your speed with aohell don't really expect much more out of that.
  3. did you enable all emulation tools?
  4. nvm there where two keys that looked weird so i just delated them and now its works so thx to all and to all a good night
  5. ok when i try to delate it there is a error
  6. ok i found that and made a back up of my reg but what does that do?
  7. ya but its a emachines and the cd is just the normal win xp will that matter, i also have the emachines cd will that work?
  8. no, and do you have to double post thee is a mod button
  9. linux is not installed i can boot up to a live cd but after xp boots i cant use the drive
  10. ok about 3 weeks ago i bought a new mother bord, every think work ok then a bout a week later my cd drive stops working, its not dead cuz i can boot to a linux live cd, but the weird thing is i cant even use virtual drives windows says there is a a problem with the drive is missing or curpited, i have tryed to uninstall it the install it agin so no go, the error code is 39 also i have a win xp home cd in my back pack could i just use that and repair install (ya the cd is burned oh well)
  11. biostar M7VIG 400
  12. yes how would i go and oc my cpu i have an AMD athlon xp 2400+ I just got a new motherbord 2 weeks ago and installed it I also upgraded the heatsink and fan and also put a 80mm case fan just want to get a little more out of my xp
  13. nope just went back to this i think it mite be a virus or spyware b/c i have this new prosses that i have never seen befor now when i try to close it the justcome back this nvctrl.exe
  14. yesterday i could use my cd drive and now today windows says there is a problem tith it and i cant even see it the eror eror 39 and i really need to burn a cd oh and the cd drive is a samsung SW-248f
  15. you can get in to it but you cant do much just really change the boot order and the clock
  16. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww a Dell
  17. you username is your email from verzion and your pass to log on to get your email
  18. i like azureus even though its a hog
  19. that happens to my friend call verzion and have a tech come out and install a splitter and that will fix it
  20. ok what is the point of this
  21. nope
  22. ya you dl teamspeak server from http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads&id=3
  23. ya if you read it his is the amd his brothers is the intel celly
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