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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. my aunt has 2 emac's and they only have 40 gig hdd and there full so we went out and bought 2 500 gig hdd to install them would i just have to unscrue the scews om the top and sides of the case then take out the old hdd put in the new one's also could i use the reinstall disk's that came with the macs or do i have to use the mac os x install disk? thanks
  2. you mixed pc2700 and pc3200 y?
  3. 939's are sweet so are A's they oc like crazy I like amd better but intl are much cheaper i also liked ati more till i got my 7600gt
  4. i have a wd400 if you want it 40 gig just format it was used for xbox
  5. well all i have is this
  6. but you see its not just burning or ripping its useing it
  7. no i have tryed all diffrent programs magiciso ultraiso and nero and dvd decrypter i have dvd shrink but havent tryed that one but i still get the slow down
  8. OK when ever i use my DVD drive my computer goes almost to a stand still. I could be burning or installing something or riping Cd's i thought it was Nero because after i installed it i started to get the slow downs( it think) and i uninstalled it and still the slowdowns have some suggestions y it is so slow?
  9. well my school is vary small no fights or bomb's to many as i would say computer geeks (and yes i am one of them) the worse so far was some one found out all the 11th grades id # and voted for everone in the 11th frade for prom king dn queen and some stuff to myspace but will tell that story later
  10. ya here ther are and i was wrong its a 166 pent oh cheach out the hdd
  11. mea i on right now a old pent1 266 32 megs of ram a trident video card, win 98 and a 700 meg hdd with a cd drive
  12. master drive as in the hdd? or the drive set to master ? i have a sata drive with my xp installed and two ide drives both set to cs the 80 gig seagate is my stuff drive and the 40 gig wd is the drive i installed to its been partioned with a 1.7 swap file and a 37.2 ext3 file system
  13. nope just installed and tryed to boot and got the error
  14. ok when i was in the installer i installed to the ide1 slave after it partitoned the drive with ext3 and the swap file,and after it was sone installing it asked me if i wanted to intsall grub as a boot manger and i clicked yes and it installed grub and then it sayed installtion complet and i rebooted and then i got the error
  15. the boot loader is grub and i installed in on a diffrent hdd i have is there something else i can add?
  16. ok i just install debian on one of my hdd and when i try to boot to the hdd i installed debian to i get an error saying error loading os is therer a way to fix this, will reinstalling fix it? and i would like to fix this befor tues im going to spain for a week
  17. mea i cant update it to old, older them me or the dust is oh well
  18. i have had a 5100a for almost 3 years now and still kicking
  19. your speeds look pretty good they may look a little slow because your in the uk and the server is here in the us try one of the mirrors closer to you http://www.testmy.net/mirrors.php
  20. ha ha this is funny i have a Pentium 166MHz running it 24/7
  21. well i get backto you after i dl debian in 10 hours
  22. oh ok then i was just asking because my freind has hes partiton formated as fat32 but oh well
  23. ok kool I have all ways used live cd's and my freind gave me the install disks to suse and i wasnted to install that but guess i cant so debian here i come oh and one more thing what file system does linux cuz the hdd i an going to install on is ntfs should i format to FAT32?
  24. ya but should i get the amd64 or the i386 would i see better pefromance from it? and yes i have a amd64
  25. well i would reinstall if it was installed i'm trying to install it but like i said my screen goes black right after i load the kernal and yes i do have a ATI video card a x200 oh well could you name some more good distros right now im dling debian amd64 but could you name a some good ones?
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