x5500 and man they are soooooo amazing like 15 times better then my 5300
and i got my g5
and my g15
man i love both that mouse and keybored
anyone else have eather of the them?
to express there love about them
yaa i do sad part is i spent so much money on the sound system in my car
i have this http://www.sasbazooka.com/productAutoRawWoofersEL.asp?id=320
and i replaced all the sats with theis
lol ya i wanted a nice 5.1 setup that had alot of power and was a good price so i found the 5300 and im so happy with them
but sadly there not powerfull enuf so yesterday i ordered the 5500
ya i have then also got them about 3 months ago they are really sick
i got my 4400+X2 about 5 months ago for about 80 bucks at frys on a sale
i love it its really fast
i just wish that the L2 was bigger
people that have a 3000 kB/s have a eather cable or Fiber on the 25 Mbps tiers and higher
if there on cable then its the powerboost that the cable co. is offering
in dsl the speed it all depends on ur distance form the co and the line runing to ur house
but like i said for the 6/768 ur right on what u should be geting
well it seems like ur right on the mark for your speeds
with dsl unless ur right in the co the farther u are ur speed will go down so ya ur right on the mark