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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. well do you have comcast?
  2. adia 32 works well for me get it a try http://www.majorgeeks.com/download181.html
  3. well i haver 5 AMD Phenom 9750 2.4GHz all folding with ati 3870's so thats 15 cpus core folding and 5 gfx cards folding witch is a lot more folding power then a ps3
  4. a computer would work you can set a file to be opened when windows starts we did it on my computer teachers computer during parent night when she turned her computer a hammer time video started to play
  5. May 10 was my 3rd year here on testmy.net i love this community that is on this site they have been vary helpful,polite and friendly this site has grown massively since i joined and i hope for many more years of a great site
  6. im sorry guys but im part of a privite tracker and im folding for there team because I get credit for my folding points
  7. im sorry to say guys but my f@h farm that i just set up will not be folding for the testmy.net team but a diff team the farm has 5 AMD Phenom 9750 2.4GHz all folding with ati 3870's
  8. well ok i talked to a tech today and he said they just use any old box they have so they want me to rma it agin and this time they put in a diff rma and i told them that im not paying for shiping this time to i am waiting for ups to send me the shiping lables here is what they are doing this time [eCall Tag] *2nd RMA PROCESS EXPRESS SERVICE REPLACE CARD AND FULLY TEST AT LEAST 24HRS BEFORE SHIPPING BACK*
  9. i did when i first had to rma it and what i think is really sad is that they sent mt card back in a box with a tag for a diff card the diff sn number on the box to fool me
  10. i had a bfg card before this one and it was great but like i said this one was the most for the money so today durning my TA period i am going ot call them and give them a stern talking to
  11. well when i was looking at the cards this one was the most for the money tomarow I am going to call msi and see if i can eather get a better card or my money back
  12. so i had to rma my msi 9600 gt because it would crash in games, many outher people get the same thing with there 9600gt's so its not just my card messing up. so i send in my card to msi they get it on monday so im thinking they will give me a new card because its a problem with the 9600 gt's what does msi do they send me back the next day they send me the same card the one that i sent to them. sad part is msi says that there is no problem yet every outher company has stated that there is a problem with it and has fixed it yet msi hasent. this is the third msi gfx card that i have gotten from them yet it will be my last. just my word of advice stay away from msi gfx cards and there rma deparment
  13. i got a 56' inch lcd tv for $950 and i use it for my pc moniter just look at your local shops and the tv is 1080p
  14. what teir do you have?
  15. now what about that upload
  16. man thats bad and he has cox as his isp if i where you i would replace that cable
  17. gears of war is coop
  18. well he set your home page to that its ben a long time since i have ben rick rolled but if you watch the whole thing im pretty sure it lets you use your browser agin you could do the same thing to him but use a diff browser i do it to my friend all the im when ever he turns is comp on ie and firefox and oprea all open and go to rick roll
  19. well the youngest active member btw who is? im 16
  20. my sexyness at school i think that i am like the youngest person here on this forum
  21. yes just by putting the the 800 in when the 667 is in, your mother bored will auto clock the ddr2 800 ram stick to ddr2 667 speed
  22. what i want is to see a clinet that uses the new Nvidia 8 and 9 cards that support cuda then there will be some real kick ass folding
  23. maybe try a Dvi to HDMI doggle or try a diff Dvi cord
  24. well you cant run nvidia cards in crossfire
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