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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. I have a crappy hawking router it is ok but the ping times with it suck one person one at a time and the ping is like 600ms on avrage and with they avg 42ms but i wish i could get one so i can play cs on it dlinks are ok but there network cards suck had one and i blew up there was lots of smoke ya it was cool :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  2. fattymcbluff

    Download Problems

    ya just use sygate it is much better then ZA
  3. whats the diff form NTFS and FAT32 and FAT16 and all the others
  4. I have an even better Idea lets all use FF but tbaker397 you idea is a good one to, I like your idea better
  5. I cant understand why you would buy a $400 phone I got my Razr V3 for free and I think there $150-200 now
  6. wow IE was faster IE----------2.15599989105224 FF---------3.735000133514403
  7. 5th grade reading a book then the teacher went on the phone for about 4 hours b/c his bro lives in New York
  8. sad part you will have to buy the 360 hdd and it is only 20 gig
  9. thats what I'm dooing going to buy all three just to say I have all three
  10. 360 will suck but that is just what I think and a lot of people the only good game will be halo 3
  11. this poll has started like 4 times god
  12. look on the side of the laptop and you should see a slot about the same size as about 4 credit cards stacked on top of each outher if you see one then you have one if you dont then you dont I think its called a card bus but I dont know
  13. you have to get the new firmware for the the compies web site then type in the ip adress for the router I think its and go thrue the menu and find where it reads update firmware then find the new firmware (the file you got) and click update firmware and click update
  14. man you cant beat the old tv that have a screen the size of a ball
  15. you are preaty much on you cap dont think you will get more out of that unless you up to a new plan
  16. mabe thats the plan that you paying for or mabe not
  17. HA I have the Emachines T2341
  18. works fine for me no probs and I love it
  19. I could only find one for sp1 hope this helps http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1e1550cb-5e5d-48f5-b02b-20b602228de6&displaylang=en
  20. you have to download IE6 from ms web sitwe and install it then 7 will be gone
  21. beta lame at least the portion on my hard drive wont go to wast redhat here i come
  22. if the comps are on a lan then you should get ftp speeds of up 54mbps
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