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    Woodlane got a reaction from Jose Fernandes in Satellite Service Testing   
    Can the 'Testmy" Automatic Combined upload and download test have a selectable file size like 2.5mb so that it produces more accurate results for satellite connections? I tried a 2.5mb upload test just now and the result was much closer to what I am supposed to be getting with my service. The 128kb file size produces way low results for upload testing.
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    Woodlane got a reaction from CA3LE in Auto Test - log 'place holder' for unselected test   
    Please consider automatically logging a value of -1 for Upload, for example, when the user does not select Upload testing. Have average speed calculations exclude this 'place holder' value. Having some kind of 'place holder' entry of the unselected test will make Testmy Upload speed and Download speed points align above and below each other on our personal results graphs.

    Auto Test - log 'place holder' -1 when for unselected test

    Typo - Topic should read:

    " Auto Test - log 'place holder' for unselected test."
  3. Like
    Woodlane got a reaction from iceb in Auto Test - log 'place holder' for unselected test   
    Please consider automatically logging a value of -1 for Upload, for example, when the user does not select Upload testing. Have average speed calculations exclude this 'place holder' value. Having some kind of 'place holder' entry of the unselected test will make Testmy Upload speed and Download speed points align above and below each other on our personal results graphs.

    Auto Test - log 'place holder' -1 when for unselected test

    Typo - Topic should read:

    " Auto Test - log 'place holder' for unselected test."
  4. Like
    Woodlane got a reaction from CA3LE in Statistical Process Control (SPC) Tool for Broadband?   
    Does anyone know of a site or utility that can calculate a cpk or similar metric from download and upload speed measurements? A lot of us us are concerned about the variability of our speeds, but I have not seen a tool that will actually quantify it. Maybe Testmy.net could add this as a feature from data that is being collected combined with the speed that the member is paying for. In the meantine I am looking.
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    Woodlane got a reaction from RRS1947 in No graph on results page but data appears OK   
    Working OK now. All I did was reset my notebook again. My connection has been a bit sluggish bringing up the results page lately, so maybe my connection could have been causing the problem....
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    Woodlane got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Log Scale option for Results Graph?   
    Upload speed is often much less than download speed to the point where it appears as a straight line near the bottom of the graph. A log scale would show fluctuations in upload speed much better.
  7. Like
    Woodlane reacted to CA3LE in Results Chart Labeling - "Next 25" - "Previous 25"   
    I actually keep rolling that one over in my head... I know what you're saying. It makes sense but it doesn't.

    ... maybe it's time to change that.

    What about this...

    ... 'previous' was meaning previous in the search query, not necessarily in time. I think the new wording clears the confusion. What do you think?
  8. Like
    Woodlane reacted to servant74 in TestMy .... Latency?   
    I would like to see added to testmy another field with averages also, for keeping latency information.

    IMHO this could help folks figure what system is best for gaming, using VPN over, etc.  Personally I am currently on WildBlue.net (cable install was quoted at $25,000US and DSL over $100,000US --- not in my budget!).  The download speed is pretty good, the upload is pretty bad and the latency is horrible.  The latency precludes us from using IPphone technology (no caller ID in this area even on land lines - BellSouth/now AT&T, at least how ours is implemented, is pretty bad - even modems cannot work at over 24kbps per the phone company people due to issues with the phone lines in this area).

    Where we live there is not much choice.  But recently sprintpcs has evdo available in the area and I am considering switching.  The typical speeds are reported as similar to WildBlue according the the testmy.net database, but I would like to know how the latency is!

    Thanks for listening.
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    Woodlane got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Satellite Broadband speed   
    Increasing the mininum upload test file size to 1.5 mb or greater has resulted in much more accurate upload speed results for satellite connections like this because of their high latency in the area of 600ms +.
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