I'm guessing thats a DSL provider since the max speed is up to 2Mbps(not 2.3). It could be the distance to the exchange thats causing it to not achieve full speed. Possibly older lines in your house. Its hard to tell. Your line speeds decent but could be better.
to those wondering what their cable modem is synced at go to the website below and check it out, make sure modem is directly connected, i cant mine to work for some reason, but I think that the cap is 4451/450 but dont quote me on that
DocsDiag: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/robin.d.h.walker/docsdiag/
yea he was a wrestler, and you may think the sport is gay but for gods sake, someone died. i dont care if your a professional male cheerleader i would be sad if you died.
whats standard DSL? lol, SDSL means Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line..... which is business class, the standard dsl would most likely be determined as ADSL which mean Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line.....