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Bird Fan

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Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. Hahaha I know. Good news though: I'll be getting DSL soon! Bye bye hughescrap.
  2. I didn't even know kol was still around....
  3. Audacity is amazing.
  4. Any news of Apple coming out with the cheaper MacBook? I know it's only Friday, but I'm getting excited and tired of waiting..
  5. Mucho gracias I'm really thinking about going with the basic macbook but I'm going to research some more and wait until Friday.
  6. Stupid question: If I went with the Mac, it would connect to my Linksys WRT54G router, correct?
  7. Inspiron 1520 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz 2 gig RAM 160 GB $1,089
  8. I'll look into it. So far Dell has the best customizing and lowest price.
  9. You think? If I got a Mac I wouldn't have to mess around with getting Microsoft Office, which I would be downloading illegally anyway. What Mac should I get? MacBook, or MacBook Pro? I don't want to spend too much over $1,000
  10. I've thought about it. Maybe So I'm getting mixed responses. Here's what I'll be doing: - No games - Heavy browsing - Photoshop / other Adobe programs - Word processing - Some video conversion My gut says to go for the Intel (just because I know nothing about AMD), but I just wish I could customize it and give myself the 160 gb hard drive.
  11. All right, I'm due for a new laptop. I've got a few choices, but I really don't want to get anything other than a Dell, Sony or Toshiba. I've got two Toshiba's in mind and a Sony and haven't looked at Dells yet because they're my last choice AMD Toshiba I like it because of the 160 gb hard drive which is faster than a 200 gb and I really don't need the extra 40 gb if it's going to be slower. And it's also cheaper - http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Toshiba-Satellite-A215-S4697-15-4-Widescreen-Laptop-Computer-A215-S4697/sem/rpsm/oid/185073/catOid/-12963/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Intel Toshiba The extra 40 gb might be useful, but do I really need 2 gig of RAM http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/productDetail.do?oid=185074#proddesc I guess the ultimate question between those two is processors. Is the AMD Turion 64 processor better or just as good as the Core 2 Duo? Also, Sony Vaio Don't like it much, but it's a thought http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sony-VAIO-VGNNR160ES-15-4-Laptop-Computer-VGN-NR160E-S/sem/rpsm/oid/192560/catOid/-12963/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Anyway, most importantly, I need something to last me 3-4 years. Thanks, your help is appreciated.
  12. I have the same problems with mine, even my tv. Like right now, my tv isn't working because it's "searching for satellite signal. It's not even raining anymore!
  13. Where did I compare them to another satellite provider? Why do I need to compare them to another provider? This is about HughesNet and their inability to solve problems, not Wildblue's problems. Hughes is leasing satellites, but that doesn't mean they don't have control at all over them....
  14. Do you want to save power? If you need to, then go ahead, if you don't then I don't see the probably with keeping it on. Computers don't need to be restarted and neither does your modem unless you're having major problems. Lots of times, my modem just restarts itself after about a week. Of course a good long power cycle is good for it, but you really don't need to do it daily.
  15. Sometimes they have problems though. HughesNet isn't the quickest at fixing them either.
  16. Ok, I have a bit of a stupid question. I was going through my bookmarks earlier and I have a lot. I'm thinking about deleting them, but would that do anything but save a little space? Do bookmarks slow down and jack up the PF usage like extensions do?
  17. Mine's at 25 and it's been up for 4 days..
  18. He's on Wildblue... Mine: Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=850ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=764ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=991ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=911ms TTL=49 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 764ms, Maximum = 991ms, Average = 879ms
  19. I thought I've read somewhere that there have been some problems with some of the sats lately, so it might not be a problem on your end at all. To be sure, I always wait a couple weeks for my problems to clear up (that's normally how long it takes for HugesNet) and if they don't then fix it.
  20. Page loading also varies on the amount of lag..
  21. I sense sarcasm. I was just saying that HughesNet is not "great" and whoever thinks these bogus speeds on here are real needs to get their head out of their ass. I've never seen my download speed when downloading a file be at 200kb/s for longer than 2 seconds.
  22. He's e-stalking you. If there was such a thing.
  23. Don't be fooled, you're still only really getting 130-135kb/s.. Take the test a couple times or download a big file, you'll see.
  24. Nothing has changed, we're still seeing 130-135kb/s downloads. It's just the tests on here that seem faster.
  25. Uh.. wow.
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